Marius Stoi, Administrator, DGL PRO

What are your expectations from the 2014 edition of the Entertainment Arena Expo?
I wish to see a more consolidated, optimistic and ready to fight industry, in spite of all the uncertainties coming from the asault of the legal initiatives, the unfavorable and tendentious news and coverage.

What is the products you will promote during the 8th edition of this exhibition?
The new products that DGL PRO will showcase at E-arena 2014 will be a new game board CLUB MASTER and a monitoring system with integrated jackpot. The first stage consisted in the development of a faster game board structure, to accept the implementations USB and LAN. This is to have more efficient data transfers between the main system dealing with the game itself and the intelligent peripherals that connect with the exterior systems (for instance, the ones with SAS protocol). It is worth mentioning that these new game boards are perfectly compatible with the versions of anterior programs (except for the new functions to be implemented), so that certain clients who only want to renew their game hard support will be very pleased to do it. Also, it should be mentioned the lower and more efficient energetic consumption, as the main enemy of the systems operating in confined spaces is the thermal packing! To have such improvement, we turned to state-of-the-art technology in designing the cables, to a careful and exigent selection of the components, as well as their fitting into the system.
The Jackpot systems from DGL PRO – CLUB MASTER – automatically calculate the increase rate of the accumulated value, deduct what game the Jackpot has and under what conditions, calculate the income tax withholding value, according to the current legislation. There is no need for further data processing, as the final charts automatically provide the statistics as well as the financial detailed reports, as they are available to the authorizes in the real time. The location is identified automatically, and the player receives the already taxed money based on his identity card.
There will be no problem whether it is about a local accumulated Jackpot or at the level of an extended game network. The accumulation rate of the Jackpot also automatically adjusts itself to the daily earnings, as well as to the company policy of using and promoting the extra winnings. In a nutshell, this conception converges to the ServerBased type exploitation.

What is the number of your booth?
DGL PRO srl will be at number 102.

How strong do you think the competition will be at E-Arena?
I truly believe that all participants will do their best. We are in the middle of a period when the sales volume has decreased, more tenderers are on the market, which means the competition is larger and stronger.

What do you think about the current legislation in Romania regarding the gambling sector?

For the last months, the Romanian gambling market has operated under the auspices of uncertainty. The operators have no clue of what their next steps should be, since various legal initiatives emerge, botched news and coverage that scare them so the only thing they are doing is waiting. In other words, the industry is turning into a puddle that will soon be a swamp. It is possible we might have some rare animals that will have us declared, with a bit of luck, a protected area under the name of the Delta of Bucharest.
Jesting apart, the recent legal initiatives only confirm, for the nth time, the dilettanteism of the Romanian politics. I am pretty sure that the Parliament members who signed these acts think that they have done a good thing. Still, a December 2013 bill has been lying around, issued by ONJN. It is a well-documented bill, which had all the market stakeholders involved and can build a responsible environment, transparent, competitional, monitored that can be also improved.

What is your opinion about the fact that our publication Casino Life & Business Magazine organizes a new edition of the ‚What’s the time…in gambling’ seminar within the Entertainment Arena Expo ?
I take hat off to the initiative of your publication, which is also ours, and I am sure that the event will be organized in your well-known professional manner. I am glad that this seminar has turned into a staple within the Entertainment Arena Expo.

Articolul precedentNovomatic Branch in Romania, ready to introduce the latest innovation of this consecrated brand at Entertainment Arena Expo
Articolul următorMerkur Gaming, absent from E-Arena 2014


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