For a better New Year…
We start a new year, and, as always, we want it to be better, more abundant and full of all sorts of achievements…
Every time we ask ourselves what to do different from the previous year to have a better new year and each time we pretend to have found the answer.
But do we really know what to do for a better new year?
Surely, everyone knows what should be done in their own field of activity, but is it enough for an entire better year?
This question should always guide us in order to be able to decide, each moment, what is best to be done, and not only for ourselves, but for all of us…
It’s not enough “to be better” for Easter and Christmas to have a better year, but we should constantly concentrate on this until it becomes a reflex, because this is the only way Kindness attracts Kindness!
So let’s look down reverently, look up with hope, look around us with kindness and understanding and this way we can look forward with confidence to a better New Year…