We have approached the salutary role of technology in supporting the effectiveness of Responsible Gambling policies.
Back then, we highlighted some possible models of IT solutions and algorithms implementation in the current activity of operators so that technology can help more effectively – in the sense of more accurate predictability – to detect a particular behavior or problematic pattern of a player. If this kind of approach still seems a little bit … Sci-Fi, let’s focus today on what is called gaming platform synergy, a concept designed to put the player at the center of gambling and provide it with a certain kind of continuity.
The ‘ client centrism’ model, as it is called by American specialists, requires an operational universe, a personal matrix of the player, which can be retrieved by means of a secure and customized login procedure on various gaming platforms, both online and land-based. Access can be done using USB sticks, smartcards, biometric devices or a “simple” login on an online platform. There is already extremely sophisticated software for analyzing data stored by the activity of each individual player. For example, iGap (Intelligent Gaming Analysis Platform) provides a complete solution for capturing and analyzing data relevant to the behavior of gambling related issues.
The collected information is analyzed to identify and classify the player’s risk. Another software, Playscan, works on three levels: risk detection, behavioral analysis, and targeted communication. In the first phase, the player’s data is analyzed to identify signs of problematic behavior, such as increasing the amount of time or money spent, tracking or increasing tolerance.
Signs vary by game group: poker, bingo and sports betting are just a few examples. Risk analysis is a combination between data analysis and the negative consequences of the game on the player, which means that the operator or the manufacturer have their specific role in the equation.
In the second phase, the software provides information about players’ behavioral patterns, changes in risk levels, and how risk is shared between different types of games. In terms of targeted, individual communication, the program ensures targeted communication according to the specific needs of each player. Each player can see the level of risk – but he also has access to education on various aspects of gambling, such as winning probabilities, false identification systems and giving up gambling.
The Canadian Council for Responsible Gambling Council proposes the following array of player-centered (focused) model:
“Whatever the model, it is clear that very fast steps are taken in order to observe and analyze the player’s behavior. We are witnessing a convergence of platforms, which, with the ongoing modernization of gaming technology, allows players to develop “player-centric” games with greater ability to develop responsible gambling strategies, “states Mr. Bogdan Coman , executive director of ROMBET.