Dan Iliovici

A possible source of inspiration

By Dan Iliovici, vice-president, ROMBET


We continue the presentation of the recently published strategy of the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC)*1, with the last part of the analysis dedicated to this document, in the assertion that it is useful how the UK gambling authority constantly adapts its plans to the evolution of this extremely dynamic field.
”Keep crime out of gambling ”- identifying and preventing illegal activities associated with gambling.”
”Over the course of this strategy, we will continue to work with partners and target our activities to contribute to a reduction in crime associated with gambling. We will continue to hold gambling licence holders to account to ensure they are meeting their responsibilities to keep crime out of gambling.”
”Throughout this strategy we will continue to work with our partners and focus our activities to help reduce gambling-related crime. We will continue to hold gambling licensees accountable to ensure that they fulfill their responsibilities to keep crime out of gambling.”
Here is mentioned both the offer of illegal, unlicensed games, as well as the issue of arranging sports competitions, the so-called “match fixing”. Again, the emphasis is on working with authorities and agencies in other jurisdictions to detect and combat this type of crime.

Preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
The UK Commission focuses on
”Update the risk assessment on money laundering and terrorist financing to reflect current risks, in line with the risk-based approach and the publication of updated guidance materials (n.m. guides) as needed. Continue working with partner agencies to share information on the global gambling market”
Here are two keywords:
Updating guidelines – based on ongoing risk assessment – and Collaboration.
In the same spirit, of the collaboration with authorities and institutions from other states, the issue of cheating matches, of sports integrity is approached.


Optimizing the National Lottery (UK) contribution for good causes
”The National Lottery (from the UK n.m.) is one of the largest lotteries in the world. Since its launch in 1994, the National Lottery has raised over £ 42 billion for 625,000 good causes in the UK, transforming lives and contributing to the arts, sports, heritage (development) and community (local o.n.) sectors.”
Of course, we cannot compare these results with those of the Romanian National Lottery, but I think we still need to bring this example to the attention of the authorities. Maybe we should remember the purpose and objectives for which the National Lottery was established.
Finally, the Commission’s last strategic objective is:

Improving gambling regulation
”Given the innovative nature of the industry we regulate, our approach (legislative framework n.m.) cannot stand still. Throughout this strategy we will continue to adapt to respect the international reputation we have gained as an effective gambling regulator.
Our continued response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how quickly we need to act sometimes to continue to perform our core functions and also to support our staff. We will continue to refine our staff and approaches, and we will continue to consider resources to ensure that we are a flexible and agile regulatory body with professional and committed staff.”

dan iliovici rombet

In this regard, UKGC aims to:
■ Review of gambling legislation
UKGC aims to “support the government and provide advice on the revision of the Gambling Act.”
An important note refers to the provision to the legislator of data and information based on reality – “evidence based” – about gambling and their regulation.

■ Development – staff training
”Investing in developing the skills of our people, to ensure that we have the necessary capabilities for the future.”
Rapid technological innovations lead to the need for ongoing training and development of gambling staff.

Finally, the UK Gambling Commission aims to:
■ ”Efficient management of the Commission’s resources, ensuring efficient financial management and control, transparency on how the authority’s resources are used, assessment of the impact of work, development of indicators to communicate progress in relation to our priority areas of work.”
■ ”Development of systems and processes (within the UKGC authority n.m.) to ensure that we remain an effective regulator, including the best possible use of external data sources.”
■ ”We will seek to automate systems and processes, where possible, so that we can invest more resources in the forefront of our business.”
■ ”Identifying and investing in emerging technologies that can help us regulate more effectively.”

*1 https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/about-us/guide/our-strategy-for-the-next-three-years#a-fairermarket-and-more-informed-consumers

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