How great the player feels when he wins the bet!

by Leliana Parvulescu

Maybe as large as a slot machine, when a winner is hit on a line? It is probably as intense as a high-stake game, ended with a victory, even though after a long time. You have read the players, felt the team and this is the score you predicted – congratulations! Hence, I suggest you give some time to the positive, hopeful situations that make the player be in high spirits.

Before reaching good results, you must work, make an effort. And I am talking about work because we will examine the gambler in the same register you are used to: gaming equipment, roulette table, betting card: the addicted gambler and his recovery.

Last mid-summer, Florentin called the ‚Responsible Gaming’ line. It was not only the scorching heat draining him but there was something else inside him, in his spades-shaped heart. It was a black heart, but harmonious, willing for availability and cooperation. Here, we have the form, let’s meet the content.

In compliance with the traits of the addicted gambler, he confesses that he hates spending too much time in the gambling room and that the money he plays does not always come back into his pocket.

The fruits come and go, playing in his head, he was even gambling in bed and sleep. It seems hilarious for some people, but only going to the market could be a trouble for our gambler, since he will see there the same thing on the slot machine screen – the fruits were no longer a source of vitamins, strength, but they turned into the symbol of an addiction begging for attention. And Florentin was giving it to them in the greatest pleasure, out of pity, desperately, hopefully, hatingly. A carousel of emotions wildly moving in his head. A real breakneck!

A modest man, few but good friends, was looking to spice up his life. Sparingly, in sync with his simplicity. His friend was not only a short-time adventures, but also his confidante – as their connection grew stronger, confessions were there to be made. Because this is what friends are for. This man, whom he was fond of, had been taken over by gambling and swept to the sea of addiction, where another game brings more water into his boat.
The confidant castaway was talking to him, telling how he could not reach the shore and become a responsible player.

Florentin, a true guardian angel, gave him a helping hand from the boat but his friend in the water grabbed him so fast that he pulled Florentin overboard. Now, there were two addicted gamblers. A newer and an older one, both searching for salvation.

During the numerous phone calls, we found out from Florentin details about his life. The world where he was and the personal skills were giving him the opportunity for winning. Episodic, but good ones. And when you win some money, temptation to double or triple it is immense. Especially when the effort is not overwhelming, like at the slot machines. There were some winnings and he came back home with more money that he had played more than once. But pleasure makes you want to go back – similar to drinking stream water, when after a sip you wish to drink one or two liters.

Florentin reached to the point to pawn his mother’s jewels. He bought them back, a few times. Now, somebody else is wearing them, a person whom neither him nor his mother knows or ever met.

Loans were rising, friends were avoiding him. Only his creditors were looking for him.
His recovery went on two levels: one was for him to gain his self-esteem, the trust in himself and the other one was to motivate him towards evolution and redesigning his personal life plan. I have built exercises for him, customized to his needs and his life background, by which I helped him to discover him again, to remember about his qualities he used to have and invest in some new ones, which he had no clue he ever had.

He was calling regularly, more and more delighted, to tell me about the results. From a man who was walking head down on the street for a long time, Florentin was trustful enough to look forward. It takes a lot to raise the look of a crumbled man but the exercise to follow the bulbs of the lamp posts seems to have worked.

He managed to enter into a love relationship with a young lady, improved his relation with his mother to whom he is writing stanzas not only words and got a job. Even more than that – Florentin went beyond his personal space and did some services to the community a few times. Simple gestures of civic responsibility have brought benefits to not only his neighbors but to himself also. Now, he feels able, strong, independent and useful to the people around him. It is such an honor to feel useful and important for the other people around you!

We have here the story of a former addict, a successful recovery case, which required effort and availability from the player. I thank Florentin that he trusted my help and that he could take this message farther: gambling addiction can be cured for good.

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