Special $2 poker and sports betting promotion will award over $2,500 in free bets and a €7,200 EPT Prague package

PokerStars and BetStars are teaming up to provide an unmissable opportunity in The Big Race, a motor sports-themed $2 buy-in online poker tournament with the chance to win a poker holiday of a lifetime to the European Poker Tour (EPT) Prague and up to $2,500 in free sports bets in total, ranging from $2 to $50.

The Big Race tournament will take place on Sunday, September 23 at 14:00 ET and will randomly assign the top 20-placed players with a driver in the Russian Grand Prix on September 30. The player with the winning driver will receive an EPT Prague package worth approximately €7,200, including eight nights’ accommodation at the Hilton Prague Hotel, a Main Event seat worth €5,300 and approximately €500 spending money.

In addition to the first prize package and players’ shares of the prize pool, the top 500 finishers in The Big Race will be awarded up to $2,500 worth of free BetStars bets in total, ranging from $2 to $50. Bets will be awarded as follows:

1st – $50 worth of free BetStars bets
2nd – $35 worth of free BetStars bets
3rd – $25 worth of free BetStars bets
4th to 9th – $15 worth of free BetStars bets
10th to 99th – $10 worth of free BetStars bets
100th to 299th – $5 worth of free BetStars bets
300th to 500th – $2 worth of free BetStars bets

Earlier this year, The Big Race promotion ran a horse racing edition exclusively in the United Kingdom. The winner, Chris Hopgood, was awarded a trip to PokerStars Festival Marbella with the added bonus of professional coaching from PokerStars Ambassadors Jake Cody and Fatima De Melo.

Chris said at the time, “I can’t believe I’ve won! Now I’m off to Marbella all for $2! I’m nervous but very excited to get to play in my first big live tournament! Native River will be a horse that I will never forget.”

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