TITO – a more SAFE, SIMPLY and ELEGANT way to play!
The trend in society is to move from cash to cashless and the number of cashless transactions has grown in recent years.
This trend seems to influence also the gambling industry through TITO – ticket in / ticket out technology, implemented since 2000 in the big casinos of the world.
NEWTON SLOTS provides the operators the TITO module that is part of the NEWTON 6.0 VIP product. Along with loyalty campaigns, TITO is a way to ensure your position on the gambling market and to provide your customers with the best gaming services and experiences.
How does TITO work?
The slot machine features a barcode reader in the bill acceptor, a thermal printer, and an interface connected to the central system that keeps track of tickets. The player puts cash into the slot machine and begins the game; when he wants to take a break or finish the game, he press the “collect” / “hand pay” / “cash-out” button and a ticket is printed with the amount available at that time. The ticket can be placed in another slot machine or can be exchanged in cash at the cash desk or cash dispensers (automatic payment devices that can be placed in the operator’s locations).
Manually credits cancellation from slot machines is replaced with tickets printed with barcodes and unique validation number. Tickets can also have expiration date that can be set for a certain number of days, according to the company policy. For operators holding multiple locations, there is an option that vouchers issued in a location can be played or paid at a location other than the one that issued them.
As you already seen, data security is a priority for us, information is stored on secure servers and can be viewed and checked at any time, but vouchers are paid only once. You will have a clear and real-time situation of paid and unpaid tickets.
Benefits of using TITO:
• Reduces operational costs: reduced staff intervention in canceling the credits will lead to the elimination of additional employment;
• Increases location performance: reduces the number of payments made at cash desk, resulting in longer playing time;
• Facilitates switching from one slot machine to another;
• Customers can easily take a break or enjoy a drink without waiting for the slot attendant to make the payment;
• Increases the transactions security: canceling credits from the slot machines is no longer necessary and therefore human errors can be eliminated;
• Increases the level of service offered to customers: less time spent at the cash desk;
• Flexibility to players;
• Useful information reports;
• Effective and safe cash-flow control through simplified procedures;
• Ability to incorporate promotions and loyalty campaigns, providing bonus vouchers, coupons, draws.
We consider introducing the TITO module into slot locations to be a real success because is providing comfort and reduce costs and risks. We are aware of the operators’ difficulties in finding dedicated, trustworthy and responsible employees; not rare are cases where employees violate their obligations to the employer and are guilty of short in cash desk.
In this case, the cash dispenser is the ideal solution; customers can change tickets in cash, in full privacy and staff access to money is restricted, avoiding the risk of fraud.
The TITO system contributes to the increase of activity. According to statistics 2 out of 3 tickets released are reintroduced into the slot machines, resulting in an increase of turnover and also the feedback from the customers is positive, they enjoy the flexibility of the new coin “code bar ticket “.
More than that, your staff can focus on customer care and marketing, having more time to provide players with important information about location services and promotional campaigns.
TITO is considered a catalyst for innovation and the directions in which this technology can be developed are surprising. Based on this module it is also possible to offer solutions for live casinos, facilitating the cash flow for operators who also have slot and live game in the same location. From this idea started the system known as TITA – “tickets at tables” – a solution that is being implemented in major US casinos that are interested in increasing revenue from multiple hands played by customers per hour.
For operators interested in a stable, efficient and profitable business, the upgrade to the TITO module can be done easily if they already have NEWTON 4.0.
We invite you to take advantage of the discount coupon that you will find in “Casino Life & Business Magazine”, valid until August 2017 and try the benefits of the NEWTON SLOTS – TITO.