MaxBet remains the leader of the gambling industry in Romania
For the company led by Ioana Bazavan, a new chapter follows, a premiere for the Romanian gambling industry, in terms of accelerated development and growth of market share in parallel with strong capital investments in expanding the retail business.
Since 2002, MaxBet Romania writes history from the position of undisputed leader of the slot machines industry, and 2021 is announced to be one of the most important years in the company’s existence. Although the last few months have been extremely complicated for the entire industry, MaxBet has managed to get over all the uncertainties and difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic extremely quickly. As such, today, at the company’s headquarters – in the ground zero of Bucharest, the foundations for the accelerated development of the company are being laid. The mission: MaxBet has been, is and will remain the leader of the gambling industry in Romania.
“The Covid-19 pandemic, with all the uncertainties and related challenges, confirmed to us that MaxBet Romania has a solid foundation. Although we had the activity distrupted, the fact that we built the whole business on solid pillars, we had a strategy that was followed to the comma, today MaxBet works at full capacity. From a financial and human point of view, MaxBet is in a very good place. And the coming weeks will do confirm that we are the leaders of the market, that we increase our market share and we have the energy to continue to innovate “, says Ioana Bazavan, general manager of MaxBet Romania.
Accelerated growth
MaxBet aims to make 2021 the year of development. If today MaxBet has 117 locations in 15 localities, in the coming weeks and months, the company will continue to expand, the retail activity remaining a priority. “We are talking about a development of the company horizontally and vertically. We are already present in 15 localities, large and medium in terms of population, the brand is known, but it would be a mistake for us not to open new locations in the context where there are enough opportunities, we have the necessary capital to implement this expansion. Each new location does nothing but strengthen market share and leadership. In parallel, we are aware that we are a benchmark of the industry, we inspire those around us, so in parallel we will start a large operation of upgrading locations. We are talking about new equipment, but also a new interior aesthetics of the locations, but also the way the exterior of our locations looks ”, says Ioana Bazavan, general manager of MaxBet Romania.
MaxBet remains the leader of the gambling industry in Romania
Because consumer preferences are constantly evolving, MaxBet plans to keep up with these trends. And a clear advantage of the company comes from the experience and expertise of the employees, who stayed with the company. MaxBet has maintained its retention of employees, regardless of whether we are talking about positions in the corporate area or game rooms. In addition, during all the months of the pandemic, the company’s employees felt the full support of the management, even in the months when the physical operations in the gambling halls were suspended.
“I know that from the outside, for many, all the movements made by MaxBet cannot be decoded. But they all make sense. We respected our partners, customers and employees. And we will continue to do so, it is the most important rule. Here we are not just employees, we are colleagues, for better or worse, we support each other, we learn from each other, we build together, we have common values. MaxBet is a brand made up of 1400 people, 1400 ideals, 1400 voices. Whether we are talking about colleagues from retail, from halls, or colleagues from the top management area, there is a link between us, there is respect, there is dialogue, we take care of each other, we fully understand that we are dependent on each other. And this philosophy makes us unique. We recovered the fastest from the pandemic, but not by accident. We are a solid campaign, we have done our homework, and now comes the implementation part of the expansion. There is no question of closing locations, restricting or rethinking some activities. Investments will not be limited to opening new locations, but also to creating added value by improving the customer experience in MaxBet game rooms and employee specialization. At the same time, opening new locations also means resuming employment, ”adds Ioana Bazavan, general manager of MaxBet Romania.
MaxBet remains the leader of the gambling industry in Romania
The MaxBet experience
In the new stage of accelerated growth, an important point is to enrich the experience that customers have in the rooms owned by MaxBet. We are not just talking about promotions, devices and entertainment, but also compliance with the rules, full transparency, so that each customer knows the facilities offered by MaxBet and what a responsible game means. The unique experience offered by MaxBet is joined by the respect of the employees for each client.
Substantial and consistent CSR and ESG investments
MaxBet Romania stood out at national level through social responsibility projects, which culminated with the construction of the only medical heliport in Bucharest, an investment of over 1 million euros. In total, MaxBet has allocated over 3.4 million euros to CSR projects, focusing on excellence and innovation in Romanian medicine, respectively improving the conditions in the medical system. Also in MaxBet’s new development plans, an important chapter is reserved for the continuation of innovative social responsibility projects and the development of new ESG projects, with an emphasis on nature conservation, consideration of human relations and corporate governance.
“We strongly believe in bold projects, projects that change Romania for the better, that bring a real change in society and impose new standards. For 15 years, Maxbet has been constantly investing in the Romanian health system, investing in education and in many other social and cultural projects from which all Romanians have something to gain. We invest in the good of others. These CSR investments are part of the values we respect. And every year, the amounts we donate are constantly growing because we see all the changes for the better that these projects bring. From this year, we will diversify these projects, including by adding a side of corporate governance “, says Ioana Bazavan, general manager of MaxBet Romania.
In recent months, Maxbet has also been one of the main actors in the pro-vaccination communication campaign of the gambling industry in Romania, the first campaign of this type funded exclusively by a private sector.
”MaxBet is a business built on solid pillars. The coming weeks will confirm that we are the leaders in the industry, increase our market share and have the energy to continue to innovate. We are aware that we are an industry standard and will continue to inspire those around us.”