By Mugurel Olariu, RPD protectie date
On January 28, 2025, European Data Protection Day is celebrated by all Member States of the Council of Europe. This date marks 44 years since the adoption, in 1981, of Convention 108 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data.
The celebration of this day each year through a series of specific events is dedicated to increasing the general public’s awareness of the need to protect personal data, under the aegis of highlighting the importance of the right to privacy and the protection of personal data.
Both nationally and European-wide, European Data Protection Day will be marked as follows:
The National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing will organize, on January 28, 2025, the on–line Conference entitled “Anniversary Review on 20 Years since the Establishment of ANSPDCP“, the announcement being published on its website on January 15, 2024[1].
Representatives of national central public authorities and institutions, of the executive and legislative forum, representatives of academia, non-governmental organizations, of the main professional unions/associations, as well as relevant operators/authorized representatives from the public and private sectors will participate in this event.
The meeting is an opportune moment for a substantial exchange of ideas between ANSPDCP and operators, related to the specifics of the activity in various fields and the implications of using new technologies.
In this context, we mention that, on the national television station TVR and in the public transport of the Bucharest Transport Company, an informative clip dedicated to the General Data Protection Regulation will be broadcast.
Also, summary information on the Authority’s activity is presented, as every year, in the Brochure dedicated to the European Data Protection Day 2025, available, along with the related leaflet, its link being mentioned[2].
At the European level, the EDPB – European Data Protection Board, published on its own website, a video clip of approximately three minutes, presenting the GDPR, the powers and working mechanisms of the EDPB and the National Supervisory Authorities[3].
[1] https://www.dataprotection.ro/?page=Comunicat_Presa_15.01.2025&lang=ro
[2] www.dataprotection.ro/informatii generale/informatii de interes public/materiale informative
[3] https://www.edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/who-we-are/european-data-protection-board_ro