Integrate Accounting operates in the financial and accounting sector, gives a helping hand to the gambling organizers

Hello Mrs. Alexandra Metea and thank you for this exclusive interview to Casino Life & Business Magazine.
Hello and thank you, too, for giving me this opportunity of this interview.

You are the CFO Integrate Accounting that operates in the financial and accounting sector, which assists the gambling organizers. How did everything begin?
Everything started in my freshman year in college, the University of Economic Studies, at the end of 2005. My one and only desire was to work in the financial and accounting branch but I did not realize back then that I would provide later a lot more knowledge and services. I was a young student, eager to know, to learn and work in this sector. The chance was me being part of a dynamic team, open to the legal conditions and to the needs of the Romanian economy, which opened the door for me, built my trust and validated my desire to improve together, within a gambling organizing company.
The first job is always a reference for your future career. So it was for me, where the mix was my ambition to continually improve myself, my determination and the driving spirit of the team I belonged to, the wonderful chance to work with Mrs. Gherghina Ionescu, CPA, fiscal consultant and backed up by a vast experience in the gambling sector.

The gambling activity fully complies with the legislation, the methodological norms and internal procedures, which any successful company requires. During my systematic work, I discovered this territory step by step and the wise guidance helped me understand what it stood for. The complexity and the results of my work, well defined, pushed me to know and learn as much as possible in this industry, which is not an easy one – it is very specific, with singular features. The work that I have done, the enthusiasm, perseverance and the cooperation with this highly skilled person, Mrs. Gherghina Ionescu, made me now realize that I can provide assistance to any gambling organizer, either present or future on this market.

You established Integrate Accounting afterwards, which also targets the companies in the gambling sector.
Integrate Accounting was created after four years of gambling experience and approaches all the activity areas. Of course, what stands out is the 9-year involvement in a gambling company. Hence, we are able to trust our orientation towards this field, despite of its intricacy, with a specific legislation and quite many changes in the fiscal area.
The main recipient for Integrate Accounting is the economic gambling activities and our company aims to come to the assistance of the gambling organizers with a complex package of services.

How is the cooperation with your customers going?
Our main concern is the quality of the services provided, the trust and transparency of all our pursuits. We heavily rely on the concept of integration. The intention is not to be only a services contract for our customers, but to be an integrant part of their business and have a significant contribution to its durable development by our assistance. We know this from our expertise how important is to be on the same side with them.

Integrate Accounting can provide the best services on condition that we are allowed to understand the particulars of the customers’ activity and how they operate. At the same time, it is equally important that the customer has a real image about the results of our work, our mode of operation and primarily on the conclusions at the end of the term.
To this purpose, the Integrate Accounting team compiles the accounting documents stipulated by the law, detailed reports, statistics that the customer can follow and see the evolution of the factors with a direct and indirect impact on their activity, which will give them the opportunity to make the right decisions for the maturation of their business. Likewise, we keep them abreast with the legal amendments and provide consultancy in this field.

What makes Integrate Accounting different from the other companies in the financial and accounting sector?

As mentioned earlier, Integrate Accounting covers a complete spectrum of services for all the activity domains. We assist the economic operators who want to develop a business in Romania by establishing companies, opening or closing work sites in their relation with the National Office of Trade Registry. Along with them, we draft development plans, find the best and the most precise solutions in the accounting and human resources. We pay a great attention to the staff of those companies by compiling their files and all the documents required in their relation with the state institutions. We meet them halfway with our ideas of how to motivate them at their employment place. Also, we represent the companies in their relation with the Financial Administration and Treasury Offices, in order to ensure transparency before the control authorities. Our acquired so far expertise contributes to a good cooperation with the state institutions (Financial Administrations, Treasury Offices, the National Gambling Office, control authorities) helps the companies in a clear and visible way to their good operation.

Besides the above, we assist the gambling organizers with services related to the compiling and filing the documents to receive the gambling organizer license and exploitation authorizations, in their relation with the National Gambling Office, with the preparation and filing with the Romanian Bureau of Legal Metrology in order to obtain an approval in the form of homologation, an initial/regular technical check-up and the technical verification after the gaming equipment repairs works.

While providing services to the gambling organizers, what do you think about the legal situation of this sector?
Even though the legal sector for the gambling market is now in the middle of a process of changing and completion, we hope that our discussions with the gambling associations, the National Gambling Office and the initiating members of the legal project will result into the best solutions to regulate this industry.

This year you will attend the Entertainment Arena Expo exhibition. What booth should the interested people go to?
It is a pleasure to let you know that the Integrate Accounting team will be exhibiting at the edition of this year of Entertainment Arena Expo, the gambling exhibition that will take place at Romexpo between 2 and 4 of September.
Our booth is 253, next to A.O.P.J.N.R. and the publication Casino Life & Business Magazine. Whoever is interested is welcomed to meet us, as a team, and also to find out about our services.

Thank for your time giving this interview and good luck in all your projects.
Same here and looking forward to seeing you at Entertainment Arena Expo, the gambling exhibition.

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