Casino Life & Business Magazine editorial

More and more socio-cultural and sports activities are benefiting from the support our magazine is offering, ranging from film festivals, to classic music or rock concerts and even to fashion events or auto-moto races.

Due to the fact we are always connected to major activities that are hosted by our country, and not only, we are able to keep you posted about the most interesting and important events.

On the pages of our magazine, there will be always a place for articles and reports which reflect the activities of the Champions … either from sports or other fields, because, everybody knows, “Quality makes the Difference”, and, due to this reason, the Champions are choosing us and we are honoured by their choice.

Therefore, let’s start a new season together with the greatest Champions!

Articolul precedentAlfastreet raised to the power of R5
Articolul următorROMSLOT is representing Romania at EUROMAT GAMING SUMMIT


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