
The LINK for a free access to The New Normal international forum which will take place on Tuesday, May 25, starting at 11:30 EEST (Romanian time).

International Forum – Cryptocurencies, Blockchain and Cybersecurity – The New Normal will meet, online, on May 25, starting at 11:30 EEST (Romanian time) a stellar line-up of keynote speakers and moderators who will debate the new concepts of the contemporary world, concepts integrated in the new normality.

As in previous events organised by our magazine, the official language of the event will be English and participation will be free of charge!

The link for a free participation at this international forum is: The New Normal

The program of the event is scheduled to take place over three panels, each panel debating a distinct topic, as follows:
– panel 1 – Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain as Part of The New Normal
– panel 2 – Innovative vs. Conventional Methods in Payments and Digital Marketing – Why You Should Use Both to Succeed? / Powered by Tal Ron, Drihem & Co.
– panel 3 – The Importance of Cyber ​​Security in The New Normal

Given the success of previously held online events, the organizers expect a large number of participants, which will exceed 1200.

Partners of the event are:

Gold Partner: ROMBET association
Silver Partner: DGL PRO
Supporters: Smart Games and Grisogono.
Media Partner:

You can read about the international forum The New Normal HERE.

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