Set herself to ballet as a child, she is now a truly happy singer
Please, introduce yourself to the readers of Casino Life & Business Magazine.
Loredana Benga, actress, singer, model.
Why did you choose this career?
I have always thought of doing it and the ones who put me on this path are my parents and grandparents. I started it as a child, with classes of classical ballet and modern dancing. When I was 5, I had my first ballet show. Some time later, my teacher also noticed my talent for music and guided me towards singing classes.
What is the music you love, the one that represents you best?
I like any genre of music. My pleasure is to sing jazz, soul, r&b, pop, and these are the ones where I find myself.
If not this career, what else?
This is a difficult question and, to be true, I have never thought of something else.
Do you have any hobbies and what?
Oh, yes! I have very many, like sport (aerobics, yoga), taking trips, reading, cooking – I really worship the healthy food. But my foremost hobby is my career, to my luck!
Do you have time for your private life?
Yes, I do. There is always time if love and willingness. To function well in the professional plan, I believe that you also need a balance in your private life. I see myself lucky and blessed here. I am truly happy!
Have you ever had a turning point, when you just wanted it all go away?
There are of course more crucial times, like with any other job, but I am an optimistic person and I can manage to get over difficulties and disappointments more easily. To be honest, I have never considered giving up to my doing.
What is your greatest performance?
God has given me everything I wished for; the rest is up to us, is how we carve our path in life, in career, with the help of some luck. Whatever I have done comes from a constant effort and hard work. This is the reason why I look at all my achievements as being important.
What about the failures?
There are some, but I would simply call them turbulence. The greatest of all is a musical project that I have been planning for a while and I really hope to carry it through.
What is your wish from March, the women’s month? But from the year of 2014?
As many events as possible, projects, shows, but health should come first so that I can accomplish everything I have intended.
Have you ever played in a casino? If YES, share with us the best and the worst experience.
Yes, and it was a quite pleasant experience. It was my first time when I was walking into a casino and I tried my hand to the roulette. I bet on 12 red and I won.
Do you have a final thought for the readers of our publication, Casino Life & Business Magazine?
I wish you stay in good health, get a full, peace of mind and harmony!
Thanks to Casino Life & Bussiness Magazine and see each other at the next event!
Thank you and good luck in all your endeavor.