This issue will introduce to you the registration steps for participating in gambling organized via the internet-type communication systems, hard or mobile telephone line.
In order to participate in gambling, a player must be registered with a gambling organizer.
For registration, a player will have to provide at least the following personal data: full name, citizenship, place and date of birth, current residence, the CNP (personal identification number), a valid email address, the number and series of the legal identification document and the details of a personal bank account where all the transfers will be made to/from the gaming account opened with the particular gambling organizer.
The registration of the players is done as follows:
a) direct access to the website belonging to the gambling organizer, in which case the player will make mandatorily available, to the organizer, a copy of his legal identification document. For the citizens coming from the states outside European Union, they are required to present the following: passport, the diplomatic identification card, the temporary permit. As for the Romanian citizens or people from one of the European Union Member States are concerned, the documents to be presented are: the identity card or other documents being issued by the police authorities, to bear the photo and signature of the holder;
b) at any of the spaces belonging to the gambling organizer, where the player will mandatorily present one of the identification documents under a), in original.
Upon receiving the information provided by the player, the gambling organizers will run checking operations in their registers for self-excluded people or the non-grata people list, in order to make sure that the respective player is not mentioned in them; therefore, they will register the player, for an unlimited period of time, based on a single code generated by the gambling organizer system and forwarded to the monitoring and reporting operator when a new gambling account is opened.
In case the gambler is not mentioned in the list of self-excluded and/or the list of non-grata people, and he agrees to all the terms and conditions of gambling, then he will be opened a gambling account.
After filling in the personal data, should the player is not able to provide a copy of his legal identification document, the gambling organizer will open a temporary gambling account and notify the player about the fact that he is supposed to send a scanned copy of this document, within maximum 30 days since the temporary registration date.
The temporary account opened in the name of the player can accommodate a maximum amount equivalent to 500 EUR. No payments are allowed from the temporary account into the bank account of the player.
The gambling organizer will turn the temporary gambling account into a permanent one only after receiving the scanned copy of the player’s identification card.
Should the player provides false information about the registration or he does not provide, within 30 days, the documentation required for verification of the information validity, the gambling organizer will close the temporary gambling account.
A temporary gambling account cannot be opened for a player who is mentioned in the register for self-excluded or in the list of non-grata people.
The gambling organizers store the personal data of a player for a 5-year period, after the gambling account has been closed, in compliance with the Act 677/2001 regarding the protection of the people in terms of processing their personal data and free circulation of them, with the further amendments and additions and with the Act 506/2004 regarding the processing of the personal data in the sector of electronic communications, with further amendments and additions; afterwards, they will irreversibly erase the data by automated procedures.