Mega campaign alongside the Traffic Police

Our publication has joined in partnership with the Romanian Traffic Police, to support the project ‚Stop to the accidents! Life comes first’.

While understanding the imperative need for such project in our country, initiated by the Traffic Police in Romania, our publication ‚Casino Life & Business Magazine’ has decided to give full assistance. Our magazine, the first gambling publication in Romania, is aware of the relevance of this campaign for the gambling industry. There are numerous cases when the casino clients are taking their game beyond limit and use alcohol to excess. More than that, they cannot not even grasp the danger they are exposing themselves when getting behind the wheel to drive home. They turn into a real threat to the street traffic. And this is only a singular example to lead to a tragedy.

An awareness campaign for the population

With its support, involvement and promotion of the ‚‚Stop to the accidents! Life comes first’ campaign, our publication ‚Casino Life & Business Magazine’, along with the Traffic Police, wishes to make more conscious the people driving under the influence of alcoholic drinks about the threat they are posing to the other drivers or to themselves.

The Romanian Police project aims to point to the fact that every citizen is entitled to a safe road traffic, and the public authorities have the duty to improve the security on the public roads via campaigns to inform and make the drivers more aware about the risks they are exposing themselves when they fail to comply with the circulation rules.

Articolul precedentGaming table cheaters
Articolul următorThe priciest chip ever


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