Record absolut Absolute audience record

Absolute audience record reached by the 5th edition of Marketing in Gambling Forum – Gambling in Pandemic Times, Thursday 25 November.

Marketing in Gambling Forum 2020, the 5th edition, held for the first time online, took place on Thursday, November 25 and enjoyed a record audience, audience due to the topics addressed, guest speakers, effective marketing and promotion through media channels, but also the popularity of the organisers, Casino Life & Business Magazine.

Forumul de Marketing de anul acesta This year's Marketing Forum Final Program

More than 500 participants and speakers were registered in the golden minute, and at the end, almost two hours after the time announced for the end of the event, they were in “public” with just under 100 participants.

So the first event in the gambling industry of the year and also the first event held online brought together an impressive number of people eager to find out news and listen to the plethora of top speakers in the fields of marketing and gambling.

Local and European legislation, responsible gambling, concrete actions, but also opportunities brought by the covid-19 crisis as well as the means of an effective online or land-based marketing action were the topics of this edition of Marketing in Gambling Forum.


The partners of the event were:
Platinum Partner – BETANO
Gold Partner – DGL PRO and BMM Test Labs
Silver Partner – EXPLAYNER and ROMBET Association
Partner – Smart Games, GRISOGONO and Get’s Bet
Media Partner – and

We would like to thank to all the partners, supporters, speakers, technical staff, but also to the large number of participants!
We all managed to organize a memorable event, with an absolute audience record and an unparalleled success!

We will return with the speakers’ presentations in the following articles.

The entire marketing forum of the year 2020 can be watched on the TV channel Casino Life & Business Magazine, a TV channel that you can subscribe to easily and quickly right HERE.

You can read HERE about the 2020 edition and about the previous editions of Marketing in Gambling Forum.

Articolul precedentThe best magazine in the gambling industry
Articolul următorArtem Kuzmenko presentation at the 2020 marketing forum