Instrumente Tools

Tools for safe reopening of casinos after the coronavirus lockdown developed by an American company to support the operators.

A number of devices to assist casinos to successfully and safely emerge from the coronavirus lockdown have been developed by US company Table Trac, the designer of casino management systems.

Using data taken from live casino floor activity, CasinoTrac CMS provides a live feed for digital signage, outdoors and website that will assist and update operators in determining the safe number of additional guests that may be accommodated on the gaming floor. It is designed for display at the entry to the casino and will continually update.

As casinos will probably have to take some of their slots and tables out of commission, a Dynamic Automated Social Distance Algorithm will enable guests to start to play any game and will place surrounding games out of service to other patrons, therefore enforcing the distancing rules.

As a part of the new tools developed, another device is Clean and Disinfect, added to CasinoTrac CMS, to highlight games where play has recently ended and should therefore be serviced by cleaning staff.

About the real and official up-to-date situation of the coronavirus pandemic you can read HERE.

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