The practice of gambling in 2019
Series of articles from “The Practice of Gambling” by Anchidim Zagrean, Rombet Vice-President
In order to organize and exploit slot-machine gambling it is necessary to get the gambling license of organization and authorization of exploitation, documents which are nominal and limited in time.
A slot-machine license holder may exploit this type of activity by the agency of gain awarding electronic devices with limited risk, provided each gambling means is authorized, and by complying with the conditions provided by the law:
1. A minimum number of gambling means, which can be exploited by the same economic operator, respectively 75 electronic devices with unlimited stakes and gains and/or gain awarding electronic devices with limited risk;
2. No more than three gain awarding electronic devices with limited risk, for the spaces where economic activities are deployed, the placement, organization and exploitation of those gambling means being performed distinctly within that location, by a single organizer;
3. The slot-machine gambling means are connected by some independent information programs, unique at the level of the organizing company, with the obligation of centralization into a centralizing information system placed on the Romanian territory of the information emphasizing: every gambling means connected, the location of exploitation, the totality of the participation fees collected and the totality of the prizes awarded. The centralizing information system, by the organizer’s care and at its expense, will be connected to a terminal situated at O.N.J.N., put at disposal free of charge by the organizers, and will contain, will report and will allow the access to information regarding: the totality of the participation fees collected daily, the total number of prizes awarded daily, as well as an evidence of the terminals connected in the system (their number and their address of exploitation). At least 5 days before the meeting of the Supervisory Committee of O.N.J.N., every gambling means for which an authorization is requested must be identified in the centralizing information system. Any subsequent modification will be communicated to O.N.J.N. at least 5 days before becoming operational. All the slot-machine gambling means will be connected to the centralizing information system from O.N.J.N.
The slot-machine games – traditional games – are exploited by gain awarding electronic devices with limited risk if the events are organized in the physical presence of the participants by the agency of the specific machines, tools and installations, which will not be operated in specialized locations where a gambling activity may be performed, and the gain is limited and hazard-dependent.
The annual license fee for this activity amounts to 20.000 euro, payable in advance at least 10 days before the expiration of the previous term and the authorization fee amounts to 1.500 euro/year/machine and is payable in 4 equal quarterly installments – until the 25th of the last month from the trimester.
The value in lei of the fees established in euro will be determined by the transformation of the sums expressed in equivalent in euro, based on the rate exchange established in the first working day of October the previous year, published in the Official Gazette of the European Union. This rate exchange will be used during the entire following year.
Practically, the representatives of the gambling organizers will fill in and submit the Statement 100, within the legal term, by registering the amounts provided in Annex 3, at nr. 66 from the Classification, for the license fee, by inserting the fee due at the fiscal obligation 536 and at nr.67 from the Classification for the authorization fee, by inserting the fee due at the fiscal obligation 537.
The gain awarding electronic devices with limited risk will be marked, in a visible, front location with the mention: “Gambling with limited risk” and the poster size will be of minimum 200/100 mm.
Cumulative, compulsory conditions for the gain awarding electronic devices with limited risk:
1. The maximum stake allowed for one game is 2 lei;
2. The maximum gain is 1.000 lei for each distinct game. By distinct game (spin) one understands any individual generation of random elements of the symbols from the gain table of the gambling program, in any stage of the game (in the basic game or in bonus games);
3. The minimum awarding percentage (Win/Bet): 85%, according to the certificate of technical verification issued by the bodies for the evaluation of the compliance;
4. The maximum credit obtained by a gambler is 1.000 lei, upon reaching this value the device will block until cashing the gain;
5. Maximum 1.000 lei possible gain at the risk game (doubling).
We’ll be back with other opinions, in the future edition of the magazine…