How Can We Identify A Person With Gambling Problems
Romania is also becoming more and more concerned with the issue of responsible gambling, a subject in which countries such as Canada or Austria already excel. We are soon waiting for new details concerning the Public Interest Foundation which will manage the issues dedicated to those with gambling issues or to those who present a high risk of developing such issues, as well as details about the Gambling Addiction Prevention Fund. But, until new legislative news, it is in our power to contribute to the success of a responsible game. „The ideal would be that the world – and the industry, in general – wouldn’t rely only on the authorities’ recommendations concerning this delicate issue, but would get involved for real in the prevention of such cases even before the norms come into force, and the institutions would work. Resposible Gambling actually requires to all of us to be responsible and not to play with such a fragile situation, it requires us to do something for those who lose their right way and forget that gambling is nothing more than another way to have fun”, Mr. Dan Iliovici says, executive director of ROMBET.
How do we recognize a case who needs help?
The psychology experts don’t know for sure what exactly triggers a case of compulsive gambling. The explanations can be both genetic, as well as related only with environment factors, or with the presence of other psychological disorders. But also we cannot fully understand them, we can recognize the cases in which a player needs help. For instance, if somebody gambles more than he can afford, if his family or social relations have to suffer from his gambling, if professional problems appear in his life because of his gambling, if he spends a worryingly high amount of time in gambling places, if he avoids to give details about his gambling habit to his friends or family, if he takes loans to cover debts from gambling – each of the signs above should make us think and make us take measures. “The foundation will take over its role, the Fund will also raise the contributions stipulated by the law, but it is important that each of us understands that a project of the responsible gambling type must involve all of us. From gambling operators, friends and relatives of those affected and up to the officials”, Mr. Iliovici adds.
„Escape gamblers” vs. „Action gamblers”
According to the psychology experts questioned on the website, those who suffer from compulsive gambling can be divided into two categories – those who want to escape and those who want to act, the so called “escape gamblers” and “action gamblers”. The ones in the last category ar the ones who like to play using different tactics and defying the odds. Poker, for instance, is a game for those who act. The gamblers in this type are extroverts, confident and even arrogant. Those in the first category, who see gambling as an escape, an activity who distracts them from their everyday life can be withdrawn, introverts and may seem unhappy. In any category they might be, the persons with gambling issues are in the risk area to develop depressions, this is exactly why the help required and received in time is extremely important. There are three main ways to treat gambling problems – psychotherapy, medication and support groups. “As soon as all the details of the functioning of the two institutions will be settled, we will start collaborations with the psychologists for special programs, as well as information campaigns and experience exchanges with specialists who dedicated their last years to the implementation of effective solutions for the Responsible Gambling. We hope that the gambling operators will be entirely aware of the importance of these programs and get involved in them beyond their mandatory financial contribution”, the executive director of ROMBET concludes.
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