One of the balance factors, but also a proof of the maturity of an industry is the way in which the main actors of that market manage to have a dialogue, to serve the objectives of a common agenda, publicly assumed and to dedicate to the consolidation of the field, of the business environment and to the creation of new business opportunities.
The ROMBET association, by its members and management, permanently contributes to the development and good course in the field, with direct and indirect actions, by participations to national and international events – as organizer, partner or guest, and by an extremely active and involved dialogue with the members of the Association, companies, authorities and opinion leaders. ”If we look around, in Romania, we see how much an association like ROMBET can change. By transparent involvement, respecting the values and good practice of the industry at international level and by a discrete, yet efficient activism, characteristic to strong industries, like that of gaming industry. We haven’t solved all the problems, but we’ve been a serious, dynamic and creative partner in the effort of finding the solutions to these problems. Moreover, ROMBET is a vector of the new business opportunities in the industry, connecting global campaigns with Romanian partners. We believe that this is where an association like ours can bring value”, says Mr. Dan Ghiță, president ROMBET.
The adaptation and the application at national level of the EC Directive 849/2015, by the law project L390/2018 meant to put in practice the European Union directive regarding the fighting of money laundering and terrorism financing has become one of the most debated questions. Together with the associations in the field, ROMBET elaborates a risk analysis of the industry, meant to provide an objective interpretation, performed by a famous consultancy company, over the risk degree of the gaming field in Romania. This complex analysis, which should have been performed by the state authorities and which is performed, out of necessity, by the private environment, will be at the basis of the discussions with the law-maker in order to elaborate the final shape of the law project mentioned above.” It is, perhaps, the most important debate at national level for the gaming industry, from the elaboration of the general legislative framework in the field”, declared Mr. Anchidim Zăgrean, vice president ROMBET. ”I am happy that our Association can transpose into facts the experience resulted from a profound dialogue, experience based on good practice and on pro-European business practices” also said Mr. Zăgrean. In autumn, the project should be passed by the Chamber of Deputies, now being at the Senate. We believe that, in the current form, the law project does not take into account the reality from the gaming market, and, consequently, it must be adapted in order to be more realistically implemented. This was signaled by the ROMBET association to the other partners who will have to verify the compliance with these legal provisions, namely the National Office for the prevention and fighting of money laundering and the National Office for Gaming.
”The adaptation of the industry, especially at company level, to the present and future digital environment is a great challenge for the 21st century business entities” says Mr. Bogdan Coman, executive manager ROMBET. ”The new legal framework regarding the collection, utilization and preservation of the consumers’ personal data at European level (GDPR) needs special efforts from the operators in order to be interpreted and applied. This is why, ROMBET comes to support the industry, by the elaboration, with GDPR specialists, of a conduct code for the companies from the gaming industry”, also declares Mr. Coman. The document, elaborated by permanent consultations with ANSPDCP (the National Authority for the Supervision of the Personal Data Processing) will have as result a code assumed and approved by the Authority itself and will be distributed free of charge to the operators. Our association’s contribution to a greater transparency regarding the personal data protection becomes a reality once again, in rather delicate subject which we believe is not sufficiently debated and explained, neither to the business environment, nor to the end consumer.
”Our industry has always had this problem, has always been eaten by these questions: how big, how important is it as a branch of the economy, the gaming industry in Romania” where do we stand? How do we relate to other industries? What is the distribution on vertical of the sub-branches in the field? In order to answer to a part of these questions, we participate to the elaboration, in partnership with the consultancy company Deloitte, of a market analysis in the traditional slot machine field and in traditional bets. This study will certainly provide a real dimension of these markets – the greatest in the gaming field in Romania” declares Mr. Dan Iliovici, vice-president ROMBET. By this study we want to have as precise data as possible about the total incomes of the operators, the taxes collected to the state budget, directly and indirectly, the evolution of the labor market and of the jobs created by these branches, plus other statistical data related to the gamers’ consumption habits.
We must also mention that the Responsible Gaming Association – where ROMBET is a founder member – has great plans, with a new management structure and with projects at national level. The efforts of the industry for an environment where the players are more protected will materialize, we hope, by the end of the year, by the idea that most of the companies in the field would stick to the directing line of a more responsible gaming, with more informed and more protected players.