As we prepare for the year ahead, we carve out time to reflect on EGT Romania’s results of the last twelve months. What a year has been! The company focused on innovation and growth, including web development, newly built Customer Care department and a vast array of cutting-edge products and services.

Team Growth
With a new office building in a downtown location and with plenty of space to accommodate all the employees that chose EGT Romania: a six floor elegant building on Str. Sergent Matei Dumitru nr. 1-3, district 2, Bucharest, the team has doubled in 2017 with highly trained and skilled professionals. We now have a very performant team with a strong core.

Choosing another building for EGT Romania headquarters was no rushed decision. The team has grown in both expertise and number of employees, therefore was needed a larger office location. We now have a strong group of senior and mid-level managers that have enabled us to build a solid base of expertise in the industry.

Awareness Growth
2017 has been a great year for visibility for EGT Romania. The freshly launched had reached an impressive number of unique visitors and quite a fan base that regularly check the novelties provided through the News and Outlet section of the webpage. The company is aware that we could not achieve this without the support of our customers – so we also created Partners section on the website featuring different customers on the web platform, as well as on the social media platforms, as a way of giving thanks.

Product Growth
Remaining true to its roots in technology EGT introduced on the market innovative new products and services that once again validated the quality of EGT portfolio:

Super Premier and P-42 V Curved slot machines marked the beginning of the year with a most successful entry in January in some of the most prestigious gaming halls in Romania. Their curved high-definition monitors, stereo sound systems and LED ambiental lights steal the show in every location, according to our customers’ feedback.

P-27/27 St Slim rapidly placed itself as the Best Seller of the Year. The exceptional resolution, the monitor with integrated touch screen, the interactivity that the slot machines offers – they all made the P-27/27 St Slim quickly became the Best Seller of the Year and the choice of more and more operators and players in both Romanian and international gambling industry.

Type Approvals were successfully obtained for more and more new game mixes that firstly entered the local industry this year:
Rigel II – the multiplayer game mix with 20 more different video slot titles, totaling at 40 attractive game titles
Red Collection – a rich compilation of 48 games, out of which 23 newly and dazzling games, the game mix give the players the opportunity to choose between multiple denominations and an availability on multiple type of cabinets: Super Premier, Vega Vision Up +, Vega Vision St +, Vega Premier, P-24/24 Up, P-27/27 St Slim, P-27/32H St, P-27/27 St, P-27/27 St Slim, P-24/32H Up DL, P-42V Up Curved, P-42V St Curved and even Super Premier.
The 4-level progressive Chinese-themed Fu Gui Rong Hua jackpot ready to grant player with the chance of glory, splendor, riches and prestige.
The worldwide players favorite 4 Happy Hits jackpot – a symbol driven and mystery jackpot of four levels that as soon as received Type Approval already turned into a real success at the gaming hall of one of our partners: Winbet.

AWP – also with Type Approval for Romania
AWP complements EGT portfolio, offering an interactive and quality experience to a larger pool of players, in atypical locations. We began with 4 special games that can offer a unique gaming experience, but more are soon to come in this special category.

Interactive: Romanian presence having a steady growth, with solid partnerships.
It is the age of the internet, so naturally, online gaming has gained more and more traction with the players in Romania. EGT Interactive division has been constantly expanding its games portfolio, with over 70 online games with type approval in Romania and an ever expanding portfolio of partners that choose the online games, starting with,, and

Promotions: like you never seen before!
2017 has been truly an exceptional year, with EGT Romania devising a line of incredible promotions. Launched at the Entertainment Arena Expo, the promotions marked a new era in EGT history in Romania with some of the best prices on the market, never done before: 36 equal installments for the sale of some of the most successful worldwide slot machines:
– the Super Premier – reaching a 15 euro/day sales price
– the P-27/27 St Slim – reaching a 12 euro/day sales price
– Some of the Outlet products got also a boost with a special promotion: 5 euro/day at sales price
– Rental conditions were also attractive, offering some of the best prices and installments schedule right now on the market. Pyramid CMS entered the promotions corner – for example – with a 5 euro/ monthly rental price.

The success of the promotions was so unheard that we decided to prolong these promos until the end of February, thus giving equal opportunities to all that are interested.

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