BUGSY World Society

BUGSY World Society has become a Silver Partner of the Romanian Gambling Industry Official Grand Awards Gala.

The closer the evening of the Grand Awards granting Gala in the Romanian gambling industry approaches, the more the operators’ interest increases.
The voting is over and the surprises were not long in coming.
But we will talk about the winners in the evening of the Official Awards Gala.

The Gambling Industry Awards were initiated by our magazine Casino Life & Business Magazine 16 years ago and, since then, have been offered annually as a recognition of the merits of the most active and competitive companies operating in the gambling industry in the country Our.

The Official Gala of the Grand Awards of the Gambling Industry, the most important socializing event of the Romanian gambling industry, will take place on December 14, starting at 19:00 in the luxurious Paris salon of Magic Place Crângași in Bucharest and will bring together, as in the previous editions, operators from the gambling industry, producers, public figures, people who matter in the world of contemporary “business”, people from culture, art and sport but also from the mass media.

The host of the event will be, as usual, Codruț Kegheș aka Dezbrăcatu’ or, more recently, El Ciolănescu, who will conduct a special artistic program of music & dance.

Giving due importance to the event, BUGSY World Society has decided to become a Silver Partner of this 16th edition, thus joining the already formed team of supporters.

BUGSY World Society is a company from the UNIGENS group, developers of the first Metaverse – MAXIO, which offers “phygital” (physical – digital) experiences built on an innovative player reward mechanism. BUSGY World is the first world in the MAXIO Metaverse, where players will be able to interact with different game devices that exist in reality. We also assist different companies that want to expand different activities (sales, marketing, training, gaming) in the metaverse.

The 2021 edition movie is right here…

At the moment the Partners of the event are:

Diamond Partner: FEDBET
Platinum Partner: ROMSLOT, ROMBET and Romanian Bookmakers
Gold Partner: DIGITAIN, BMM testlabs, EasyPay System and OKTO
Silver Partner: BUGSY World Society, UNIGENS, Get’s Bet, Palace Casino, CT Gaming, BETANO, Merkur Gaming, NET4MEDIA, IGT, DGL PRO, Smart Games and GRISOGONO
Media partners: casino-magazine.ro, aesthetic-magazine.ro, grisogono.ro and ForRichOnly.ro

… and the list is still open.

You can read about the previous editions of the Romanian Gambling Industry Grand Awards Gala HERE.

Articolul precedentUNIGENS, Silver Partner of the Gambling Industry Grand Awards Gala
Articolul următorMagic Casino, Silver Partner of the Romanian Gambling Industry Grand Awards Gala