
BtoBet, leading iGaming platform provider, is all set to launch its Neuron 3 player-centric betting platform at the upcoming ICE 2020 exhibition.

New feature allows for a simplified betting experience through communicative channels.

Amongst the platform’s integrated solutions that is expected to attract considerable interest is the Social Media Betting feature, specifically developed with today’s gamblers profiles and characteristics in mind and their strong tendencies to make use of social communicative platforms.

Through this innovative feature, players are now able to search for bets, or directly place their bets from the social media app of their liking, be it Twitter, Facebook, Viber, and Telegram.

Not only does the feature provide a very fast way for players to place bets without the need to browse through an endless list of events – either through the web or the operator’s third-party app – it also vastly simplifies the way in which “multiples” type of bets could be placed via a single messaged instruction.

Players can also make use of the Social Media betting tool for bet searching, allowing them to find all the selections they want in a single search.

Apart from providing the individual players with a simplified betting experience, the social media betting feature is also set to present a number of benefits for the operators themselves, with the feature being the ideal approach in targeting digital native customers, and especially millennials, thus resulting in increased engagement.

For a deeper insight regarding how Neuron 3 and its integrated features provides a player-centric approach download BtoBet’s latest Industry Report.
Interested parties can also schedule a meeting with BTOBET for an exclusive demonstration of the new betting platform and its integrated features at ICE London 2020.

Casino Life & Business Magazine is the only media partner from Romania at ICE London, the most important event for the gaming industry.

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