
Interviu dedicat aspectelor din marketingul industriei jocurilor de noroc din România acordat prestigioasei publicații SBC, de către Președintele ROMBET, Dan Ghiță.

Prestigioasa publicație SBC a postat, la secțiunea dedicată țărilor central și est europene un amplu interviu cu Dan Ghiță, Președintele ROMBET, interviu tradus în limba rusă și dedicat diverselor aspecte actuale din marketingul industriei de gambling din țara noastră.

Întregul interviu, dar în limba engleză, îl publicăm în cele ce urmează.

In your opinion, what types of advertising are the most popular and effective for gambling?

There are many popular types of advertising and according to market estimates, the split is more or less like this: TV – 20%, Online marketing – 30%, Social – 15%, OOH – 10%, Sponsorship – 10%, Affiliates – 15%. 
This is an average, each company has its own approach. Some operators use more channels than others, depending on the niche of clients that they are targeting and their own strategy.  

How often do betting operators use athletes as brand ambassadors in Romania? How exactly do they cooperate?

It is quite usual for big operators to use personalities, especially from sports, in order to promote their brands. The most common method is by using these personalities in video clips, billboards or events, both for land-based and online. 

Does the Romanian market have any regulatory restrictions or mandatory requirements that content creators have to take into account? For example, posting highlights and reviews from sports events on social media or other platforms?

There are no specific legal restrictions for the content, others than the usual responsible gambling general principles (i.e. protecting minors). The only legal requirement is that these third parties platforms (websites, social media accounts etc., where gambling operators are promoted), should be owned by a second class licensed affiliate, this license is obtained from the gambling regulator . Procedure for obtaining this license is simple and fast.
Are there any regulations regarding any business, which conducts lotteries for promotional purposes? Moreover, what taxes, other than a percentage of the gift, are obligatory to pay?

Promotional lotteries are regulated by the Government Ordinance no. 99/2000 (republished). This act is not related to the gambling law. There are no taxes to pay for this kind of promotional lotteries.
Lottery is a state own monopoly game and is operated  by the state company National Lottery. 

Traffic providers would be interested in knowing whether or not Romania has any regulations for gambling advertising distribution, for example, do they need any permissions or licenses?

The so called ”traffic providers” should get a second class license if they fall under the legal definition of an affiliate:  A person or legal business who generates income, based on a contract with a remote gambling organizer, as a result of the participation in the game of the players directed by him to the organizers’ website or platform;
So, if they are under this definition, yes, they need to have Class II license from the gambling regulator , process is very simple and fast. 

What tools do operators in Romania use to retain or reactivate customers? What kind of bonuses and promotions do they use? Among them, which one do you consider the most popular and effective?

There is a very strong competition in Romania related to gambling market. 
The market is very mature, with players who knows what they want. 
Because of this, customer retention is really difficult in a competitive market like Romania, when you have other experienced competitors offering your customer essentially the same service. 
In general, the operators use all traditionally and innovative methods like: free spins, bonuses, promotions, exclusive games, player profiling/game recommendation, focus on user experience, range of options, round the clock support, loyalty schemes, daily retention games, rewards, social sharing, and many others. 
Of course, they are all ensuring that responsible gambling is at the heart of their strategy. 
My opinion is that few operators segment properly and offer their players bespoke promos, because I think that segmenting is about looking how to really retain players, at the end of the day, the games are the same on all platforms.
How do you evaluate the Romanian gambling market within the region?

We have a mature and dynamic gambling market. Up till now, we have had a stable and balanced regulation, with fair levels of taxation.
Since 15th of July 2022, the taxation level increased.
The opinions about the new taxation are different but what will surely happen is that the market will be rearranged and it won’t be so easy, cost wise, to obtain the license and operate.
In this moment, with the new taxations, not everybody can come and operate here, only those who have increased capacity from a compliance, financial, technological and professional point of view.
Many voices say that this should be a good thing, because we are talking about the field of gambling where the level of, integrity, trust, stability, transparency, technology and power to support such a business must be high.”

Întregul interviu în limba rusă poate fi citit AICI.

Articolul precedentRomânia mulge jocurile de noroc la două mâini
Articolul următorTaxe mai mari pentru operatorii de jocuri de noroc, dar și pe câștigurile jucătorilor