ICE London se amână pentru aprilie 2022 din cauza problemelor create în Marea Britanic de noua tulpină de covid-19 numită Omicron.
În calitate de unici parteneri media din România ai celui mai mare eveniment internațional al industriei de gambling din lume – ICE Londra -, am primit din partea organizatorilor un comunicat în care suntem informați că evenimentul planificat pentru 1-3 februarie 2022 se amână pentru luna aprilie 2022 iar datele exacte vor fi anunțate până cel târziu în data de 22 decembrie 2021.
Totodată se amână și evenimentul paralel organizat tot de Clarion Gaming intitulat iGB Affiliate London.
Aici este comunicatul integral pe care l-am primit, comunicat semnat de Stuart Hunter, Managing Director al Clarion Gaming, organizatorul evenimentului.
„Dear Mihnea,
I hope this email finds you well.
Today, I am writing to update you on the latest decisions that have been made in relation to ICE London (1-3 February, 2022) and iGB Affiliate London (2-5 February, 2022) at the ExCeL London, UK, regarding the Omicron variant and its impact on travel and international attendance.
Over the last 48 hours, we have started to see some deterioration of the Covid conditions here in the UK and across Europe. As you would expect, this has added to the current concerns that our industry is sharing with us as everyone starts to accelerate and execute their preparation and planning for our February events.
The current situation is not offering confidence to our international attendees who need to travel to ICE London and iGB Affiliate London.
With this in mind, it is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that ICE London and iGB Affiliate London will be postponed. Myself and the team here at Clarion Gaming are working through alternative options for you as quickly as we can, but until then I need to ask you to pause your operational planning for February until we confirm new dates.
Securing new dates for a global event the size and scale of ICE London and iGB Affiliate London is not an easy task, especially taking into consideration our commitment to delivering an excellent show incomparable to others, in a safe environment.
Until two weeks ago, there was nothing stopping ICE and iGB Affiliate London, with appetite from attendees and exhibitors surpassing 2020 levels. But these are not normal times and we are incredibly sad to find ourselves in this position once again.
However, we are looking at new dates in April 2022, and we plan to be in a position to confirm which dates by Wednesday of next week (22 December).
I am, on the flipside, very pleased to say that despite this setback, ICE and iGB Affiliate London are in great shape. Both events are close to full capacity and registrations are well ahead of the 2020 edition at this stage.
I believe we have the most advanced roster of gaming brands globally, we have secured some of the most influential voices of the industry, and we have invested in enhancing the onsite experience for all.
These are all positioned to raise the bar for the industry – but we will just have to wait a little longer to bring the global gaming community together again.
I would like to thank all of you for the role that you play in helping shape ICE and iGB Affiliate London, and for your continued support during these hugely challenging times
If you missed our webinar this morning on the 17/12/2021, you can watch the recording here >> and if you would like any further information or comment from our team, please contact Neslihan Gundes on
Kind regards
Reamintim că evenimentul ICE Londra a fost amânat de câteva ori până acum din cauza pandemiei de covid.
Vom reveni cu amănunte pe măsură ce acestea ne vor fi furnizate de către organizator.
Citește și știrile de AICI.