ICE London 2022 a fost (re)programat pentru 12-14 aprilie, ne-a informat Stuart Hunter Managing Director al Clarion Gaming.
În calitate de unic partener media din România și Europa centralâ al celui mai mare eveniment al industriei de gambling din lume – ICE London, astăzi am fost informați, printr-o scrisoare, de către organizatori că s-a fixat noua perioadă de desfășurare a târgului. Aceasta este 12-14 aprilie 2022 iar locația a rămas aceeași – ExCeL London. În paralel se va desfășura și iGB Affiliate London, dar doar în periada 13-14 aprilie.
Redăm, în cele ce urmează, integral textul scrisorii semnate de Stuart Hunter, Managing Director al Clarion Gaming:
„Dear Mihnea,
Firstly, on behalf of the Clarion Gaming team, I would like to wish you and all of your teams a very Happy New Year.
Thank you for your patience over the last few weeks as we have continued to work through the migration of ICE London and iGB Affiliate London from their original February dates.
I am delighted to confirm that ICE will now take place at ExCeL London during 12/13/14 April with iGB Affiliate London running 13/14 April 2022.
Rescheduling these two huge events has been a demanding project, but the additional time afforded us over the holidays means we have secured the best possible outcome to deliver both shows in 2022. We will continue to work alongside you, as a valuable partner, to iron out any remaining operational challenges you might have, and to support you with all of your preparations and planning.
If you would like any further information please feel free to contact us to answer any queries, and assist you as we continue to drive towards bringing the global gaming industry back together in London this spring.
We look forward to seeing you in April!
Kind regards
Reamitim că evenimentul a fost amânat în data de 17 decembrie 2021 din cauza problemelor majore create de noua tulpină Omicron.