Ukrainian Gaming Week

As media partner of Smile-Expo we have received the following press release: Ukrainian Gaming Week Postponed to 2021

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has taken the decision to prolong the adaptive quarantine in the country until the end of 2020.

In correspondence with the governmental decree, Ukraine has toughened the requirements to mass events and determined the maximum number of people that can attend them. Now events can gather up to 50 visitors.
Ukraine has become not the only country that strengthened quarantine measures to avoid the spread of the coronavirus infection. New restrictions were introduced in Poland, Slovakia, France, Ireland, Slovenia, Germany, etc.
The team of organizers of the Ukrainian Gaming Week trade show takes care of the safety of guests, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and media partners of the event. We are concerned that under the conditions of the unstable epidemiological situation, participants and attendees of the event do not expose themselves to the risk of catching the infection and maintain excellent well-being.
Furthermore, we find it important to bring into life the planned program of UGW and organize quality networking. However, this task is impossible to fulfill with the new restrictive measures.
Moreover, we want all interested parties to get to the exhibition venue without obstacles. As different countries of the world are toughening their quarantine restrictions, our foreign exhibitors and guests could face difficulties if they were planning and realizing international travels now.
Taking into account the current circumstances, to secure attendees and participants, organize the full-scale Ukrainian Gaming Week exhibition, and ensure a seamless access to the event, we have decided to postpone the event to February 2021.

New date of UGW: February 24-25, 2021

UGW 2020 is organized by the international Smile-Expo company that specializes in industry events dedicated to innovations.

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