The online casino and gambling industry is gaining momentum, as well as the cyber threat
Dragos C.-L. PREDA – Secretary of State for Telecommunications, within the Ministry of Transport Infrastructure and Communications (MTIC) on cyber threats.
Dragos C.-L. PREDA: “The online casino, a multi-billion dollar industry, is about to change.”
The online gambling industry is one of the potential sectors that can go through the pandemic with the least possible damage. In fact, according to a study by GrandViewResearch, online gambling is on the verge of massive growth and in the US alone will reach a value of 102.9 billion dollars by 2025.
No wonder the online gambling ecosystem is in its infancy!
“With the COVID-19 situation that limits people to their homes, there are many more people who play on the internet, far exceeding their physical counterparts.
In an environment where gambling takes place online, billions are traded in online casinos through credit and debit cards, bank transfers and electronic wallets. It is no surprise that gambling companies are one of the most attractive targets for scammers and hackers.
Cybercriminals target their resources in two major ways: one steals the obvious – money and the other searches for confidential data shared by online players.
Needless to say, the online gambling industry must therefore take the necessary steps to build safe platforms for casino operators and consumers in general.
The online gambling industry has undergone various changes in recent decades and is expected to undergo many transformations in the coming years.
“… For example, the online gambling market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5% from 2020 to 2027. This is huge!”
This also means that almost all players in the industry will compete to compete, software developers will create more innovative games, and casinos will incorporate new ideas to improve the customer experience.
… but here that Romania marks a decisive point in this regard as well: “Romania’s capital, Bucharest, will host the European Center for Cyber Security, which will manage a budget of over 2 billion euros allocated to research in cyberspace.”
On December 9, 2020, the city of Bucharest, the capital of our country – Romania, was selected by the representatives of the governments of the EU member states to host the future headquarters of the new European Center of Competence industrial, technological and research in cybersecurity.
The Cyber Security Skills Center will improve the coordination of cybersecurity research and innovation in the EU. It will also be the EU’s main tool for pooling investment in cyber security research and technological and industrial development.
Representatives of the governments of the 27 EU Member States voted on the sidelines of a meeting of EU ambassadors to the Council’s Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper).
The online casino and gambling industry is gaining momentum, as well as the cyber threat
The development of 5G networks, while ensuring their cyber security and respecting the coordinated approach at EU level, is one of the key European priorities.
Commissioner Thierry Breton drew attention to the fact that the headquarters of the European Cybersecurity Center must be located in a country that is cyber and connectivity secure, including in terms of cyber security of 5G networks.
“Our country was selected before cities like Brussels or Warsaw. Until now, Romania did not host any European agency. Thanks to the efforts of President Klaus Werner Iohannis, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, Minister Lucian Bode – as Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications, Romanian state entity in the TTE Council, my colleague Alexandru Nazare, recently elected senator and appointed Minister of Public Finance, and all colleagues from the ICT governmental arc (CERT.RO / STS / CYBERINT etc.) Romania has firmly positioned itself on the map of Europe and the world”.
The aim is to stimulate the European technological and industrial cyber security ecosystem. The Center will have a comprehensive activity that will support cyber security throughout the value chain, from research to activities to support the implementation and widespread adoption of key technologies. It will also provide support to Member States and other relevant actors through advice, sharing expertise and facilitating collaboration on projects and actions.
Romania officially launched its candidacy in March 2020. In addition to Romania, Luxembourg, Belgium, Lithuania, Spain have already announced their candidacies, and Ireland and Portugal have indicated their intention to run.
„… the importance of integrating Romanian companies in projects that develop on the structure of key strategic value chains, established in the Report of the Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest – IPCEI, the six key value chains proposed being: connected, clean and autonomous vehicles; hydrogen-based technologies and systems; intelligent health; low CO2 industry; the industrial internet of things (industrial data); cyber security, generates an exponential economic ecosystem of tens of billions”
… “It is necessary for Romania to connect in the European network of value chains at company level and to attract investments at national level”.
“We have always emphasized the importance of developing digital skills, data economy, artificial intelligence and strengthening cybersecurity, focusing on the role of digitalisation in achieving the objectives of the European Environment Agreement.”
For Romania, it is particularly important to continue to involve and ensure national coordination on European work related to the development of 5G networks and the implementation of the EU Toolkit for 5G Network Security.
Over the next five years, the Commission will focus on three key objectives to ensure that digital solutions help Europe continue on its path to a digital transformation that works for the benefit of people, while respecting European values:
• Technology that works for people, in a strong and competitive economy, which has all the capabilities to generate and model technology
• A fair and competitive economy, in which companies of all sizes and from any sector can compete on an equal footing and develop, market and use digital technologies, products and services on a large scale, increasing global productivity and competitiveness
• An open, democratic and sustainable society based on the European path of digital transformation that enhances democratic values, respects fundamental rights and contributes to the fight against climate change.
“Following the line indicated by the Commission, Romania has already started to invest in strategic capabilities that allow the development and use of large-scale digital solutions, interoperability of key digital infrastructures, expansion of 5G networks (and future 6G networks) and innovative advanced technologies.
The effort must be supported at national, regional, local level, involving public administration, academia, civil society, financial institutions, business and social enterprises but also European partners, in cumulating investments in research and innovation, exchange of experience and good practices, etc…”.
Strengthening cybersecurity together with ensuring the integrity and resilience of data infrastructure, networks and communications should be horizontal priorities. These are considered to be key elements in achieving the von der Leyen Commission’s key objective, namely European technological sovereignty. Through the efforts of each Member State, Europe needs to develop and implement its own key capabilities, thus reducing its dependence on other parts of the globe for the most important technologies.
“For Romania it implies the need for the rapid introduction, based on demand, of 5G networks – according to the EU calendar and in resonance with the market, strengthening cooperation and dialogue with other Member States on the implementation of 5G networks in cross-border areas between Member States – we are already working connecting with European regional corridors through two memoranda, the need to raise awareness among the general public about the possibilities offered by 5G technology, to improve the skills of developers and different user groups, and to encourage relevant stakeholders to get involved in information and experience on 5G technology and issues related to the measurement of electromagnetic field limits”.
The online casino and gambling industry is gaining momentum, as well as the cyber threat
Given that Romania promotes and consolidates its European profile as a leader in the field of cyber security and high and very high speed telecommunications, especially in the context of hosting the headquarters of the European Cyber Security Center, it is particularly important for our country to be an actor. active, vocal, involved in the application of the common set of tools to address security risks related to the introduction of 5G.
The correct implementation of the Cyber Security Act is particularly important in this process in view of the need for an adequate level of convergence as regards standardization and certification measures.
… ‘Equally, constant cooperation and dialogue with other Member States and the Commission are becoming particularly important for two key reasons, namely to maintain a diverse and sustainable 5G supply chain in order to avoid long-term dependence and the need for effective coordination. with regard to standardization, in order to achieve the specific security and development objectives of relevant certification systems at EU level, in order to promote safer products and processes. The effort of each Member State to make full use of the toolkit is essential for a credible and successful European approach to 5G security.
Cybersecurity Ventures’ 2017 cybercrime annual report predicts that cybercrime will cost $ 6 trillion globally annually in 2021, up from $ 3 trillion in 2015. Meanwhile, the 2017 Data Violation Study, conducted by The Ponemon Institute, sponsored by IBM, found that the average overall cost of a data breach is $ 3.62 million. Although the figure decreased compared to the previous year, the study found that the average size of data breaches increased by 1.8%, reaching over 24,000 records. These figures come despite organizations spending more and more on their cybersecurity efforts. Gartner Inc., a technology research and consulting firm, identified global spending on information security products and services at $ 86.4 billion in 2017, up 7% from 2016. Gartner estimates that spending will reaches $ 93 billion in 2018. Recognizing that existing approaches do not do enough in this regard, managers of large companies are constantly looking for something better and find that the Zero Trust model can provide the best results.
“The location in Romania of the headquarters of this center is particularly important for the political and geo-strategic visibility of our country, placing it in a position of regional and European leader in cybersecurity, but also a pole of technological expertise in cyber security at European and international level.
It will contribute to the promotion of Romania at European and international level as a strong digital country, with a competitive economy, with exceptional prospects for increased investments, in direct or related areas of cyber security, such as training and education in cybernetics, research, standardization, artificial intelligence, defense, innovation, cryptography, ICT security services, intrusion detection or human and societal aspects of security and privacy, etc”.
Returning to the security of online casinos, here are five key trends that could change the entire casino and the gambling landscape.
1. Increasing cryptocurrency transactions in casinos
2. Adoption of AR and VR in casinos
3. The evolution of the client’s gaming habits
4. Stricter casinos and gambling regulations
5. The evolution of live casinos
“Why is the security of online gambling and casinos so crucial?
In 2020, reducing the effects of cyber attacks and online fraud is crucial to supporting the online gambling industry. Hackers are becoming extremely advanced, using tools and implementing sophisticated techniques, such as signal manipulation through fake applications and application-based hacking, to hack data and break down online security protocols.
In addition, estimates that the global online gambling market will be valued at more than $ 94 billion in 2024 – which means increasing the risk of cybercrime.
More than ever, now is the time when cyber protection will play a critical role in the continued development and success of this revolutionary online gambling industry.”
By adhering to the COVID situation and taking into account social distancing, more and more people are turning to the multi-billion dollar gambling industry to find solace. Protecting online casinos, betting and gambling sites from malicious robots is an important issue.
With the current pandemic situation, gambling providers should focus primarily on ensuring that gambling is fair, crime-free and protects minors.
The online casino and gambling industry is gaining momentum, as well as the cyber threat
Dragos C.-L. PREDA – Secretary of State for Telecommunications, within the Ministry of Transport Infrastructure and Communications (MTIC) on cyber threats.
Dragos C.-L. PREDA: “The online casino, a multi-billion dollar industry, is about to change.”