
ROMBET, Main Partner at Marketing in Gambling Forum, a hybrid event that will take place on November 17.

ROMBET Association joined Game World in the team of Main Partners of the annual conference Marketing in Gambling Forum which will take place, in a hybrid format, on November 17, 2021.

The event structured on 3 distinct panels of debates will take place this year under the title Marketing & Affiliation.
The official language of the event is English.
Online participation is, as always, FREE OF CHARGE!

Marketing in Gambling Forum, which reached its 6th edition this year, is the only annual event dedicated entirely to marketing for the gambling industry in Central and Eastern Europe.

The organizers, Casino Life & Business Magazine, expect a participation of over 2,500 followers.

So far, the declared partners of the 2021 edition of the annual Marketing event in Gambling Forum are:

Main Partners: Game World and the ROMBET Association

Supporters: DGL PRO, Smart Games and GRISOGONO

Media Partner: and

The 2020 edition of Marketing in Gambling / forum can be watched here…

You can read about previous editions of the Forum HERE.

From HERE you can see the other events organized by Casino Life & Business Magazine over time.

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