Lecturi de Duminică Sunday Readings

One Second – cinematographic partnership for a Romanian production directed by Octavian Iacob that deals with one of the most current and sensitive subjects, at Sunday Readings.

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“One Second”, a film about the disease of the 21st century

“One second”, the Romanian film production directed by Octavian Iacob deals with one of the most current and sensitive topics that society faces, especially during this period. It is a film about the disease of the 21st century, depression, which tends to become a global phenomenon.

Well-known names include MAIA MORGENSTERN, MONICA DAVIDESCU, GHEDI KAMARA (“Black and White” band), BIANCA TOFAN, MONICA ALEXANDRA PETRICĂ (first soloist of the Bucharest National Opera), PAUL DIACONESCU, CLAUDIU LUPAS, CRIST and ROBERT IONESCU the director, OCTAVIAN IACOB and many other very talented young artists.

Our magazine, Casino Life & Business Magazine is honored to become a partner of this event film, unique in Romanian cinematography.

After several months of hard work on the set and in the field, the teaser of the film produced by Raw Rec Studios Film was launched during a special event that took place at funHUB, in the parking lot of the Esplanada – Cora Pantelimon shopping center.

“We organized this event out of the desire to make known this high-impact film project that will certainly be a success, to present the film team and partners, but also to attract new people and companies to supports us to see it completed”, said the director and actor Octavian Iacob, present on the evening of the screening, along with Kamara, Ralflo, Anca Moraru and some of the other artists who took the stage at #funHUB.

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This production presents a story that will explore the causes, effects and psychological consequences of a traumatic episode in the life of the main character, Alex Rayworth, an event that plunges the protagonist into what is called “psychotic depression”.

The film is a “mystery/thriller/drama” focused on the story of two brothers, David and Alex, extremely influential, well known in Bucharest society. They left Romania out of the desire to escape and move away from a tragedy that struck their lives. From the night when Alex’s wife, Sara, dies in a mysterious car accident, his life becomes like a prison of his mind, an endless agony, a self-punishment from which he cannot escape. Only the truth can bring him peace. David will fight against the clock animated by the desire to find and save his brother from self-destruction. However, he discovers a clue that suggests that Sara’s accident could have been more than his brother’s fault. Slowly, a dangerous truth emerges that can do more harm than good to the two brothers and to everyone around them. Will David save his brother from suicide? Or?…

The official teaser of the movie “One Second” is here.

Octavian Iacob is a young and very talented director, being at the same time the first and only Romanian who was accepted at the New York Film Academy, a prestigious institution he graduated from.
In 2018, he won the International Film Competition with “Lust for life”, a film he directed and, throughout his career, he also starred in international productions for Castel Film Studios. He worked with the producer Alain Depardieu, as assistant director in the production “Back 2 Back”.
His most important and ambitious project is the psychological drama “One Second”, the first Romanian film that deals with a topic so current and present in the lives of many. It is a large-scale project through which the director aims to raise public awareness of the phenomenon of depression, to provide emotional support, answers to questions, solutions and an in-depth analysis of it.

Casino Life & Business Magazine thus joins a team of top partners, all contributing to the realization of this excellent independent film: Palace Casino – Casa Vernescu, Metropolitan Records, Primăria Capitalei, Centrul Municipal pentru Dialog București, Centrul pentru Tineret al Muncipiului București, Compania Municipală Sport pentru Toți, funHUB, Aqua Carpatica, La Strada, Monster Energy, Custom Tuning, Leonard Caffe, Boutique Fruits, Healthy KIT, centrul wellness Floreasca, Domeniile Ostrov, Urban Events, La Maison, TwinBOX, Alapod, File de Poveste and Limuzine NonStop.

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