Irish senator

Irish senator Joe O’Reilly, who represents Fine Gael and is the deputy chairman of the Congress, has proposed a limit of €100 per bet in Ireland.

A Fine Gael Senator is calling for the limit to be imposed to tackle problem gambling as there’s still no sign of new legislation at Ireland’s Senate.

The Senator has called the Government to impose the measure to tackle problem gambling.

His call comes as the Gambling Control Bill, which aims to modernise Ireland’s gambling legislation, has still not made it to Seanad.

During a session in the Senate, Mr. O’Reilly said: “A gambling addiction ruins more than one life. People chase losses with more gambling, and they suffer mood swings and depression. It leads to dishonest behaviour in people who are otherwise honest, as well as to secretive and evasive behaviour”.

According to the Irish Senator, the Covid-19 pandemic has increased online gambling.

He said: “The Paddy Power organisation has officially said that 77 per cent of its profits come from online gambling. As much as €10,000 per minute is spent in this fashion in this country. As we speak, 29,000 people in this country suffer from gambling addiction.”

Mr. O’Reilly’s proposal involves a €100 cap on each bet as well as an obligation for operators to display messages on the harmful effects of gambling, much like the warning messages on cigarette packets.

You should read also the news from HERE.


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