Golden Week Săptămâna de Aur

Golden Week, one of the biggest holidays in the Chinese calendar, is down 50% compared with the same period from last year.

According to the latest figures by the Macau’s Public Security Police figures for the entire Golden Week Holiday, one of the biggest holidays in the Chinese calendar numbers in Macau were down 50% compared to the same period in 2019.

Although a huge drop in numbers some analysts predicted a great drop and at one stage during the holiday week figures looked like a 87% drop, but the later part of the week boosted those numbers.

With COVID-19 still drastically affecting the World’s largest gambling hub some hope remains that the start of 2021 will pick up for operators leading into the Chinese New Year celebrations.

The Golden Week (黄金周), in the People’s Republic of China, is the name given to a semi-annual 7-day or 8-day national holiday, implemented back in 2000:
– Chunyun, the Golden Week around the Chinese New Year, begins in January or February.
– The “National Day Golden Week” begins around 1 October. If Mid-Autumn Festival is near National Day, the period may be 8 days long.
– The “Labour Day Golden Week” begins 1 May and was reintroduced in 2019 after discontinuation in 2007.

Three or four (if Mid-Autumn Festival is near National Day) days of paid holiday are given, and the surrounding weekends are re-arranged so that workers in Chinese companies always have seven or eight continuous days of holiday. These national holidays were first started by the government for the PRC’s National Day in 1999 and are primarily intended to help expand the domestic tourism market and improve the national standard of living, as well as allowing people to make long-distance family visits. The Golden Weeks are consequently periods of greatly heightened travel activity.

More about this celebration in Macau you can read HERE.

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