EEGS proudly presents its confirmed Advisory Board members to date as they are highly recognised within the international gaming community.

As media partner of this important event, Casino Life & Business Magazine has received the following Press Release.

“EEGS proudly presents its confirmed Advisory Board members to date

Peter Remmers, European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG)
Dr. Joerg Hofman, Senior Partner, Melchers Law Firm
Joseph Borg, Partner, WH Partners
Miglena Dimitrova, Managing Partner, MDMI Legal
Frederic Gushin, Managing Director, Spectrum Gaming Group

All of the above are highly recognised within the international gaming community. We are proud to be associated with each and every one and to utilise their expertise.
Our Advisory Board continues to grow in stature and recognition on a huge scale. We will shortly be announcing additional Members in accordance with our broader strategy, and will announce additions over the course of the next few weeks.

Following a uniquely and unprecedented disruptive period EEGS is returning this November to Sofia, thus offering the conference a radically different format and approach.

Join us and capitalise by exposing your brand and product range to the top echelons of European organisations ,gaming operators, companies, and experts within the field.

In previous events we have demonstrated our commitment to promoting European gaming in all sectors. This coming November in Bulgaria, EEGS will herald a new era to set a future benchmark for promotion and educational symposiums, and to expand opportunities at a new level.

Our friends, partners, and colleagues have contributed to making the previous events a head turning success in every avenue. This year is bigger and better than ever before, so join us to exploit our expertise.”

Read also the news from HERE.

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