British greyhound racing has also been suspended as the government ordered to stop all ‘non-essential’ gatherings as coronavirus continues spreading.
British greyhound racing has been suspended after the latest government’s orders. PM Boris Johnson banned all ‘non-essential’ social gatherings and had gaming venues shut down, as well as dog racing.
Even though it was an anticipated decision, Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB) managing director Mark Bird confirmed it. He had already ordered races to happen behind closed doors, which prompted him to criticise the PM’s decision.
“In responding to the PM’s announcement we have to suspend all racing as this is the responsible thing to do,” he said. “However there remains a need to clarify the government position in terms of ‘gatherings’ and ‘work’. I have contacted our contacts in Defra and DCMS and await their urgent clarification on these points.
“The GBGB has planned for this eventuality and we are ready to meet it head-on. I firmly believe that the UK racing greyhound community are of the same stoic mind. Let’s remain calm and we will carry on.”
Gaming venues shut down
Gaming facilities must remain closed until further notice, under the latest PM’s orders. The government will review the situation every 28 days as the global coronavirus pandemic continues. Also, restaurants, cafes, pubs, bars, cinemas, theatres, nightclubs, gyms, leisure centres and museums were closed.
According to IGB, the government also announced a series of measures to financially support any of the affected businesses and their staff. Chancellor Sunak set out details of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, which he said has been designed to help protect people’s jobs affected by the enforced closures.