Cyprus Gaming Show din Cipru (20-21 septembrie 2017, Hilton Cyprus din Nicosia) oferă un pachet de conferinţe, cu subiecte dure şi un grup de vorbitori, alături de unii dintre cei mai importanţi lideri şi autorităţi de reglementare din industria jocurilor de noroc. Cele două zile dedicate expoziţiei şi conferinţelor reprezintă o premieră pentru Cipru şi entuziasmul se clădeşte pe măsură ce evenimentul se apropie.
Ionna Fiakkou, preşedintele Naţional Betting Authority şi Christos Mavrellis, preşedintele Cyprus Naţional Gaming and Casino Supervision Committee, vor fi activi, prezentând noutăţile şi legislaţia din regiune.
În calitate de partener media al Cyprus Gaming Show, redăm în rândurile de mai jos comunicatul de presă primit de la organizator.
Regulators and thought leaders will waste no time and hone straight in on two crucial points of discussion, namely the impact and opportunities the Integrated Casino Resort presents to Cyprus, and what the future holds for gaming in Cyprus.
The expert panel tackling the ICR and the opportunities and challenges it brings to Cyprus will be chaired by David Schollenberger, partner and head of gaming, hotel, and leisure at HEALYS LLP. The panel features Andy Choy, property president at Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Philippos Katranis, head of the procurement directorate of the Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus and project manager of the Cyprus Integrated Casino Resort Steering Committee, Simon Oaten, partner and global head of gaming at Deloitte LLP, and Soteris Scholaris, principal at Scholaris Consulting.
The ‘Future of Gaming in Cyprus’ panel discussion will focus on the possibility of Cyprus becoming a regional gaming centre and the opportunities and drawbacks that accompany all legalized and licensed online casino gaming and betting exchanges. The panel is expertly chaired by Graham Martin chair of Cardinal International Group and features Michael Pollock the managing director of Spectrum Gaming Group, Soteris Scholaris, principal at Scholaris Consulting, Joseph Avraamides, chair of the Association of the Online Betting Companies in Cyprus, Christos Mavrellis, chair of the Cyprus National Gaming and Casino Supervision Committee, and Spyros Tsakonitis, legal advisor of the National Betting Authority.
But the excitement of the first day will not end there and sessions on big data, optimizing productivity, bitcoin and cryp to currency, 4AMLD and PSD2, protecting gaming security, and an AML panel discussion will make the day diverse and satisfactory for both the online and offline gaming sectors. And that even before day two kicks off!
To book your seat and learn more about the Cyprus Gaming Show, the panel of expert speakers, and what day two holds, visit