In calitate de partener media anuntam faptul ca Eventus International, compania ce se ocupa de evenimente si expozitii internationale, in industria jocurilor de noroc si nu numai, a anuntat astazi un parteneriat strategic cu Healys LLP pentru a dezvolta si sustine Cyprus Gaming Show 2017. Parteneriatul va combina experienta companiei Eventus International cu experienta vasta a Healys in ceea ce priveste aspectele de reglementare si de conformitate, atat pentru jocurile on-line, cat si pentru jocurile landbased. Healys face parte din echipa de consultanti care sprijina guvernul cipriot in proiectul Integrated Casino Resort.
Comunicatul de presa il redam in randuri de mai jos.
Yudi Soetjiptadi, Managing Director at Eventus International explains the excitement about the event and the partnership: “The Cyprus market is increasingly opening up to new gaming products and with the largest integrated casino resort and casino of its kind in Europe looming on the horizon for the island country, the excitement is tangible and the opportunities rife.” He further emphasized that it is Eventus’ job – and mission – to bring the best possible knowledge and networking product to market, and that the strategic partnership with Healys will serve to enhance the quality of the event: “As we are able to tap into the insight, expertise, and network of the specialist gaming and betting team at Healys, CGS 2017 will bring to table the most insightful speakers and relevant topics. This is a very exciting opportunity and the start of a relationship that we look forward to developing and building upon.”
Marios Pattihis, Senior Partner at Healys, comments, “We are excited and proud to support the first Cyprus Gaming Show conference in Cyprus. I hope to see the expansion of gaming activities in Cyprus as this will bring more investment, jobs, and tax revenue”.
Graham Martin, Advisory Board Member to Eventus and Chairman of the Cardinal House International Group, further elaborated on the importance and future of the partnership: “Bringing the parties together for this new Cypriot event is very satisfying: the conferences’ importance will grow in tandem with the development of regulated gaming activities which will benefit the Cypriot economy. In this regard, we are looking forward to creating other annual forums to enhance the cultural and commercial well-being of Cyprus.”
CGS 2017: The Future in Opportunity