Site-ul a publicat luni, sub titlul “ISPT, și PokerFest anunță Parteneriatul Oficial”, articolul dedicat Parteneriatului semnat de cele trei entități în scopul reprezentării eficiente a României la evenimentul ISPT ce va avea loc pe stadionul Wembley din Londra.

După o scurtă dar extrem de pozitivă descriere a turneului de poker live PokerFest, articolul redă declarațiile celor implicați în acest Parteneriat Oficial.

În declarațiile lor, leaderii celor trei semnatari au subliniat următoarele:

Prosper Masquelier – ISPT CEO : “România este un loc fantastic pentru jucătorii profesioniști de poker și de aceea suntem foarte mândri să pornim acest parteneriat puternic. …”.

Florian Lang – Mypokersquad Partner : “Suntem foarte mândri să anunțăm lansarea Romanian Pro Team. … “.

Sorin Constaninescu – Președinte PokerFest : “După trei ani de creștere continua, PokerFest a atins un anumit nivel de maturitate. …”.

Adresele oficiale ale celor trei entități sunt:
ISPT Official Tournament Website :
MyPokerSquad :
Pokerfest :

Articolul se încheie cu îndemnul: Let’s WEMPLAY NOW !, o parafrază la evenimentul ce va avea loc pe stadionul Wembley.

Iată, în cele ce urmează declarațiile complete, în limba engleză, ale lui Prosper Masquelier, Florian Lang și Sorin Constantinescu, împreuna cu caracterizarea turneului PokerFest:

“POKERFEST is the leader Poker event in Romania, worldwidly known as a high level poker field. By this way POKERFEST start soon a new first cycle of satellite for ISPT to deeply represent Romanian player in the major Event of Wembley Stadium. This action will strenghten the ISPT partner network and will have live and online action mixed. At the same time official partner of the event announce the launching of its Romanian Pro Team and it’s participation to ISPT.

Prosper Masquelier – ISPT CEO : « Romania is a fantastic place for Pro Poker players, we are very proud to ignite this strong partnership. We have been deeply impressed by the amazing organisation and management of Pokefest team. ISPT, Mypokersquad and Pokerfest develop now a great way for romanian player to express their talent and live a unique experience. »

Florian Lang – Mypokersquad Partner : « We are very proud to announce the official launch of the Romanian Pro Team. as the 1st crowd funding platform for pro players all around the world , we always expect to match with the best. Partner with Pokerfest is a fantastic opportunity to share great moments, with great players on Major events. For ISPT we expect to develop a strong and powerfull national team who will definitly fight for the win ! We accelarate the development of our international Network, an efficient way to reveal new talents »

Sorin Constaninescu : « After three year of continuous growth, POKERFEST has now reach a mature level. We’re getting more international, bringing worlwide player to ad our events to their classic tour. ISPT is a unique event, a dream poker experience. It was natural for us to mix our strengh to the most innovative event of all time poker. POKERFEST, ISPT and MYPOKERSQUAD offer now a new way for players to live their passion in Romania »”.

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