Organizatorii expozitiei EAG International care o sa aiba loc in perioada 21-23 Ianuarie 2014 la Londra, au anuntat ca incepand cu aceasta saptamana, vizitatorii expozitiei se pot inregistra pe site-ul

“For most, online registration will be their first sight of our new website which is packed with useful information about the show, participating exhibitors, events, travel advice and hotel accommodation.

“We request that visitors register as early as possible as we use registration information to tailor facilities and events around the show. Early registration also ensures that the visitor is kept up to speed with the latest offers and information,” a precizat organizatorul Karen Cooke.

Revista noastra, Casino Life & Business Magazine, prima revista din industria de gambling din Romania, este singurul Partener Media din tara noastra al acestui important eveniment.

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