Vermantia a fost înscrisă pe lista scurtă a Premiilor Sport Betting Community – SBC. Câștigătorul va fi anunțat în data de 7 decembrie.
Comunicatul de presă îl redăm în cele ce urmează:
„Vermantia shortlisted for 2016 SBC Awards
Vermantia, leading provider of omni-channel content solutions for lotteries, gaming & betting operators worldwide, is delighted to be shortlisted for the Innovation in Virtual Sports – Best New Virtual Sports Product category at the 2016 Sports Betting Community Awards.
The SBC Awards is the culmination of a landmark year for the betting industry, which has seen a wave of consolidation, a European Championships, the rise of daily fantasy sports and e-sports, and the inaugural Betting on Sports conference.
This shortlisting reflects a transformational year for Vermantia. During the year, the company introduced new products; notably Vermantia CONNECT, the industry’s only multi-vendor, omni-channel virtual sports platform, which provides operators with access to more than 20 unique virtual sports, the widest single-source collection of its kind globally.
Filippos Antonopoulos, CEO of Vermantia, commented: „I am excited that we have been shortlisted for the Innovation in Virtual Sports – Best New Virtual Sports Product category at the 2016 SBC Awards. We pride ourselves on providing bespoke content to operators through Vermantia CONNECT. This shortlist is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Vermantia team that keeps customers at the heart of what it does. We are continuously looking to develop cutting edge technology that creates greater efficiencies tailored to operator’s needs and requirements.”
The winners of the Sports Betting Community Awards 2016 will be announced on Wednesday 7 December at Under the Bridge, which was built underneath Chelsea FC’s Stamford Bridge.”
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