Am primit de la grupul NOVOMATIC un comunicat de presă despre contractul semnat de NOVOMATIC LOTTERY SOLUTIONS (NLS) și PROMOSPORT

În comunicat se arată că Grupul Novomatic, prin subsidiara sa NOVOMATIC LOTTERY SOLUTIONS (NLS) a încheiat un contract pe șase ani cu PROMOSPORT, companie ce acționează în numele Ministerului Tineretului și Sportului din Tunisia.
În contract Novomatic se angajează să predea la cheie o soluție de management a pariurilor sportive și, totodată să furnizeze servicii de suport și mentenanță.

Comunicatul de Presă îl redăm integral în cele ce urmează:


NOVOMATIC, Europe’s leading gaming technology group, announces that its subsidiary
NOVOMATIC LOTTERY SOLUTIONS (NLS) has been awarded a six-year contract by
PROMOSPORT, acting on behalf of the Republic of Tunisia’s Ministry for Youth and Sport,
to provide a turnkey solution for the management of sports betting and ongoing
maintenance and support services.

Under the newly signed agreement, which was secured through a competitive bid with three other
participants, NLS will provide PROMOSPORT with up to 3,000 online retail terminals as well as a
state-of-the-art and fully integrated central system encompassing retail, Internet and mobile
capabilities. The modern design of the system allows for the first Omni-channel system
implementation in the region as well as for the integration with best-of-breed content providers for
any future expansion requested by PROMOSPORT. NLS will cooperate with local providers to
deliver a secure and resilient network and provide a high quality support service to retailers.
“We are delighted to now be working with PROMOSPORT”, said Frank Cecchini, CEO of

NOVOMATIC Lottery Solutions. “We will deliver a solution that comprises the latest technologies
with terminals deploying thin client applications, web-based transaction engines and back-office
applications. PROMOSPORT will be receiving the latest premium quality system with integrated
support for new games and channels.”

“All the team here at NOVOMATIC Lottery Solutions are very excited about this new project and
eager to embrace the challenge”, said Heidar Karlsson, CTO of NOVOMATIC Lottery Solutions.
“We are looking forward to a long lasting business partnership with the team at PROMOSPORT.
Our industry leading technologies will help to generate increased revenues at lower cost for
PROMOSPORT and help to raise more funds for its good causes.””

Rămâneți alături de Casino Life & Business Magazine, prima și cea mai populară revistă a industriei de gambling din România, având peste 11.000 de fani pe Facebook, pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi știri din lumea jocurilor de noroc.

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Articolul următorPresa despre Conferința Română de Gambling


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