La prima ediție a Premiilor Casino Life & Business Magazine International Awards – CIA, edție a cărei ceremonie de înmânare a avut loc în timpul ICE Totally Gaming Londra 2017, compania KIRON Interactive s-a dovedit a fi favorita cititorilor la categoria „Best Online Content Provider”.

Am orimit din partea companiei sud-africane KIRON Interactive un comunicat de presă referitor la câștigarea acestui premiu, comunicat pe care-l redăm în cele ce urmează:


Supplier crowned Best Online Content Provider at The Casino Life & Business Magazine International Awards

Leading virtuals provider Kiron Interactive has scooped the Best Online Content Provider award at The Casino Life & Business Magazine International Awards.

The award recognises the company’s 17-games portfolio, which is the biggest and most varied in the industry, as well as their Betman Online RGS, which provides a rapid play betting experience.

Steven Spartinos, CEO of Kiron Interactive, said: “It has been an incredibly busy 12 months, and this award is a recognition of the progress that the whole Kiron Interactive team has made.

“We are very proud and honoured to accept Casino Life & Business Magazine’s award of The Best Online Content Provider.”

“Our portfolio is the biggest and most varied of its kind on the market and I’m confident that this award will be a catalyst for 2017 as we look to push the boundaries of virtuals once again.””

Rămâneți alături de Casino Life & Business Magazine, prima și cea mai populară revistă a industriei de gambling din România, având peste 12.700 de fani pe Facebook, pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi știri din lumea jocurilor de noroc.

Articolul precedentKIRON Interactive a devenit membru ROMBET
Articolul următorDan Murariu, Ambasador UNIBET


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