Organizatorii expoziției EAG International, care se va desfăşura la Londra între 13 şi 15 Ianuarie 2015, salută faptul că în aceeaşi perioadă o să aibă loc și o altă expoziţie.

Este vorba despre Visitor Attraction Expo, eveniment dedicat parcurilor de distracţii şi grădinilor zoologice, organizat de către BALPPA.

Mai multe detalii despre cele 2 evenimente puteţi regăsi în comunicatul de presă primit pe adresa redacţiei noastre pe care il redăm mai jos integral.

„Organisers of EAG International, taking place 13th-15th January 2015, have revealed that the show will be welcoming a new neighbour. The show is to be joined by an entirely new BALPPA event, the Visitor Attraction Expo.
EAG Chairman Martin Burlin welcomed the opportunity saying, “BALPPA has been a strong supporter of EAG International for several years and we’re absolutely delighted that they have agreed to stage this exciting new show alongside EAG International. The new event will have the same opening hours as EAG International, with visitors enjoying access to both shows with a single badge. The Visitor Attraction Expo will be aimed at operators of leisure parks, piers, zoos and other static attractions, some of whom are already regular EAG International visitors.
“For the visitor with business interests in both the attractions and coin-op sectors the benefits of having two shows at the same venue will be considerable. For our part, we view the confidence placed in us as an endorsement of EAG International’s increasing stature,” revealed Martin
Explaining the initiative, BALPPA Chief Executive Paul Kelly commented, “We already hold our AGM and Annual Dinner during EAG International with many of our 300 plus members attending the show. The decision to launch the Visitor Attraction Expo was taken after numerous requests from our trade-supplier members. I’m absolutely delighted that we now have our own show, focused very much on our home market and taking place in the same location and at the same time every year.”
Now in its sixth year and attracting more than 5,000 visitors, EAG International has become the main UK event for the amusements and coin-op sectors.
BALPPA has an excellent reputation for supporting its members through education, lobbying and networking events. It is no surprise, therefore, that in addition to viewing the very latest products and services from over 180 manufacturers, visitors can expect a packed programme of seminars and knowledge sharing opportunities.”

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