La cea de a doua ediție a Central and Eastern European Gaming – CEEGC, Gala de Premiere va fi co-presidată de Dan Iliovici, Președinte al Oficiului național pentru Jocuri de Noroc.
În calitate de unici parteneri media din România am primit următorul comunicat de presă:
“We are honored to announce that Mr. Dan Iliovici (President of the Romanian National Office for Gambling) (ONJN) will be the co-host of the second edition of the Central and Eastern European Gaming Awards (CEEGAwards) presentations.
Mr. Dan Iliovici will do the honors of presenting the winners of each category and giving each winner the opportunity to thank the attending delegates for the submitted votes.
Built on the success of CEEG Awards 2016, which brought together a large wave of Post Event linking and mentions of the winners published on major portal such as Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, PRNewWire, GlobalLiveNews, local media, TV adverts and many more.
During the 2017 edition of CEEG AWARDS, delegates will have the opportunity to enjoy the awards ceremony and witness special moments with present peers.
The awards will be given to 12 categories and the CEEG Awards aims to create an independent, fair and representative awards event that recognizes significant achievements within the Central and Eastern European gaming industry.
The awards celebrate gaming software suppliers, operators and service providers for their outstanding contributions to the online sector of industry in their respective fields. The ceremony is scheduled to be held between 12:00 – 13:00 (Budapest Local Time) on the 20th of September (Day 2) during the second edition of the Central and Eastern European Gaming Conference Budapest.”
Rămâneți alături de Casino Life & Business Magazine, prima și cea mai populară revistă a industriei de gambling din România, având peste 12.900 de fani pe Facebook, pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi știri din lumea jocurilor de noroc.