Așa cum ne-am obișnuit Novomatic Group of Companies ne transmite permanent Comunicatele de Presă dedicate evenimentelor la cer participă.

Astfel, în comunicatul primit recent pe adresa redacției, Novomatic ne informează despre „Slot Summit Germany 2012” ce va avea loc între 20 și 22 martie la RP 5 Casino din Hanovra, Germania.

Eveniment susținut de ECA (European Casino Association) va avea relevanță regională fiind dedicat țărilor ca Germania, Olanda, Austria, Elveția, Luxemburg și țările Scandinave.

Pe parcursul celor trei zile ale evenimentului vor fi atacate subiecte și probleme practice din zona managementului de casinouri și de gaming și vor fi prezentate cele mai noi elemente cheie ale celor mai moderne săli de sloturi.

Iată, în cele ce urmează, în original și integral textul Comunicatului de Presă ce ne-a fost transmis de către Novomatic:  

„Novomatic Headline Sponsor for Slot Summit Germany 2012

Novomatic is proud to announce that it will be supporting the Slot Summit Germany 2012 as a headline sponsor. The slot summit will be held from March 20-22 at the RP5 Casino in Hannover, Germany, and will have a regional focus on Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Scandinavia.

The event is supported by the European Casino Association (ECA) and addresses numerous practical topics and issues of casino and gaming management. In the course of three days casino managers, slot managers and marketing staff will be updated on the key elements of a successful modern slot floor – player type recognition, choosing the ideal game volatilities, revenue maximisation and the encouragement of return visits.

Presentations will be held primarily in English but with simultaneous German translation service. The programme includes key speakers as well as product presentations and technology sneak previews from leading slot manufacturers such as Novomatic as well as from key operators.

The Slot Summit also provides an ideal setting for effective business networking between delegates, speakers and manufacturers in a relaxed atmosphere. Delegates are invited to attend receptions by the ECA, GSA and the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM).

Jens Halle, Managing Director AGI: “We are convinced that the Slot Summit in Hannover will be on the crest of a wave with a broad field of topical issues that will provide valuable economic and technological information for casino management staff.” ”


Articolul precedentCaesars Entertainment Calendar de Evenimente 2012, în exclusivitate
Articolul următorNumărul 28 s-a lansat în prima zi a Conferinței Române de Gambling


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