Am primit de la grupul de firme NOVOMATIC următorul comunicat de presă, comunicat pe care îl redăm integral, în original.

„NOVOMATIC Italia celebrates 10-year anniversary at ENADA

As NOVOMATIC Italia this year marks a decade since its inauguration, the local NOVOMATIC company returns to ENADA Spring in Rimini, close to its headquarters, with one of the biggest stands at the show. Presenting the ADMIRAL, Elsy and Millennium brands, a raft of new products for the Italian market will be shown to visitors at Hall A5 Stand #127 on March 15-17.

At ENADA Spring 2017, NOVOMATIC will showcase the Group’s complete offering in Italy and express the company’s dominance in the country over the last 10 years – from the production and deployment of gaming machines, to the spread of the ADMIRAL brand in more than 150 gaming halls, the roll out of more than 50 Millennium branded betting shops, as well as the AdmiralYES online platform and lottery products.

The wide range of products offered by NOVOMATIC enables the company to be active in each segment of the market, such as the VLT segment with a market share of over 50%.
On show will be new solutions for AWP and VLT markets, as well as the latest range of money changers including the new NOVOCASH VLT. Making their Italian debut are the first V.I.P. cabinets for the market, which are going through the final regulatory stages in Italy. Also on show is the ADMIRAL Roulette multi-player station, ADMIRAL Pay Roulette, the Millennium bet point with self-service terminals, as well as virtual games, horse racing and sports betting solutions.”

Rămâneți alături de Casino Life & Business Magazine, prima și cea mai populară revistă a industriei de gambling din România, având peste 12.700 de fani pe Facebook, pentru a fi la curent cu cele mai noi știri din lumea jocurilor de noroc.

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Articolul următorConferința Română de Gambling – CRG7, declarații ale speakerilor străini


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