With Florentina Ispas about the EasyPay solutions

Florentina Ispas – EasyPay Group Commercial Manager:
“We are leaders!”

EasyPay has already become considerably renown in Romania, but to avoid confusions, I wish to shed light on the activities at the level of the group and our four companies!

In the parent company, EasyPay System, the first established one, having a 12-year history, we have constant investments in the payment terminals network which was in fact our début activity, currently our team operates 1000 kiosks implemented in Romania. With the payment terminals our customers are able to access and use 180+ services that they can pay for, as the terminals are user friendly by any category of age. I remind you of the payment terminals here because they have found a well-defined place in casinos and sport betting agencies, as it is an extra service offered to players who use them especially to top up their Paysavecard account, the services operated through octopay and to reload the prepaid cards, and, of course, not only this. With the terminal one can pay taxes and dues, bank instalments, game licences, taxi or delivery accounts, railway tickets, concert tickets etc.

It attracts customers and increases the sales of the location with Crypto ATM and Payment Terminal
Complementary to the payment terminals, the terminals for the purchase and sale of virtual currency have become very popular. They are part of our portfolio, players do know about them by now and use them, as they are a trend or rather a must in the gambling locations. We are currently focusing on the cryptocurrency terminal network, and the collaboration with the Ukrainian company QMall is a strategic step in this respect, the joint purpose is of course to penetrate on the Romanian market, here, where we have experience, but with a pretty swift leap towards Europe. QMall is managed by the Ukrainian Mykola Udiansky, an old friend of EasyPay founder, Serghei Fraseniuc, who currently runs the group and who is, of course, the first decision-making person and with whom we steer the company’s business.

EasyPay currently develops its own terminal network for the sale and purchase of cryptocurrency, collaborating locally with the locations Game World and Novomatic which also prove to be a success.

At the Entertainment Arena Expo 2022 Exhibition, where we most certainly are present every year, we presented the clients these two products, alongside the betting terminal range, while this year six new models are present, adapted to the market requirements with 24”, 27” și 32” screen. Also, we have organised for the first time a raffle at our stand, allowing all visitors to participate in, offering a betting terminal, model EasyBet 2, as a prize.

Qmall representatives have also been invited at the exhibition, and we presented with them for the first time the Easy QML solution, the terminal dedicated to this collaboration with which we begin the development and which is already highly appreciated, as many companies are already interested in investing in the development of their own networks in their regions. These positive reactions come to confirm that the direction is good and that the results will be seen in the near future.

All these terminals, be they for payment, betting, cryptocurrency, information or for any other business area they were developed for, are manufactured by the second company of the group, EasyPay Production. With its own production site and carrying out the assembling section, with the implemented software and warehousing in Romania, we manage to keep costs under control, offering our clients the best solution in terms of cost, service and quality followed by the shortest time of delivery. Technical and design customisation of products is a strength that clients look for when selecting their supplier, which we cover successfully. We also offer a series of advantages to our clients, from guiding them in selecting the proper products, check room dedicated for implementation of software and order approval, storage space until delivery, support during uploading and dispatch of terminals and commercial advice in terms of product visibility in the location and related upsales.

Another criterion that we manage to tick is that we are a local company, and by that we control the warranty period, especially after-sales warranty, repair and maintenance services, and this is our third group company, EasyTechnix. Clients feel comfortable and safe knowing our location and having easy access to it in terms of logistics, time and costs.
As to the fourth group company, also the youngest, EasyBet, we decided that through it we will support the medium and low companies or the fresh ones with not very high investment budgets but who wish to stay in the business, so we rent them the necessary equipment for their new locations or betting and bars.

The EasyPay team is carefully trained, and in all the 12 years of activity the group was booming, each decision being carefully made. The Romanian market remains our main market, as we are locals and know very well its needs and have the capacity to fulfil them, but we are currently focusing on developing Europe and the, step by step, other continents. We think that the first basic step is to open an office in Europe, and after assessing several options, we decided that Spain is the most advantageous for us. So we are getting ready to open the office EasyPay Spain at the beginning of 2023.

I also consider that we should be present at all specialised exhibitions, and we decided to participate in EasyPay la SBC Summit Barcelona where we will present the models that we presented at the local exhibition, and in 2023 we will attend ICE London, where we were present in 2019, before the pandemic. We not only limit to gambling, we also participate in exhibitions dedicated to Vending, catering and hotel, Transports etc.

We are also present in the sports area, but in a different way, as sponsor of Squash Romanian Federation, but also three junior basketball teams.

To summarise all activities above, we basically cover all demands of the market in the field of self-service kiosks: planning, production and warehousing, own payment terminals network, cryptocurrency and betting terminals, service and maintenance, sale, rental and turnkey business. We share with our clients our 12 years of experience and we guide them throughout the implementation of the solutions we provide them with, as our interest is clearly to enhance their success.

If I had to describe EasyPay group in three words, I would say: price – quality – experience.

I joined EasyPay in 2016, when the parent company was stable, but growth was a priority, so a first essential step was to develop first the range of products with which I could obviously access more areas. I grew making small but correct steps, we tested before proposing, and the services we are offering today are highly superior to those at the beginning. Our image is a fresh one, but also stable, solid and reliable. Our products fit to any area of business; well, allow me to stay that you can find EasyPay kiosks in banks, city halls, transports, catering and hotels, fitness, exchange, insurance etc.

As we are responsible for the functioning of our products, it was an obvious need to develop group and split the activities. Also, EasyPay products are certified to bring them to the European standards through EC Certificate and ISO Certification. We have been awarded along the years at the category product we have been “Sports Betting Terminal of the year” 2019, 2020 and 2021, and at the level of company EasyPay System was top rated as Golden company 2022. We find these acknowledgements the added value to our image!

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