Suport pentru Refugiații din Ucraina Support for Refugees from Ukraine

Support for Refugees from Ukraine is a humanitarian action of our Casino Life & Business Magazine.

Efforts to help refugees from Ukraine are just beginning. It is expected that more and more Ukrainians will take refuge in our country as the war progresses.

Casino Life & Business Magazine has contacted several civil society entities already operating in the border areas between Romania and Ukraine and wants to coagulate the humanitarian actions of gambling industry representatives in the effort to help refugees.

Given the thousands of donations in clothes, food and personal hygiene items donated by the population, but completely disorganized, the representatives of the contacted organizations stressed their opinion that the only things they lack are money, money to buy what else is needed and/or pay for local services.

So Casino Life & Business Magazine makes available to those who want to donate organised two accounts (in RON and in Euro) to help refugees in Ukraine so hard tried in recent days.

All those who donate, regardless of the amount donated, will receive a FREE of CHARGE advertising page from our magazine in one of the next regular editions of Casino Life & Business Magazine, and their efforts will be mentioned in the weekend news from the week the donation was made.

Donations must be made to:


in RON
RO 31 BTRL RONCRT 0331 5321 01

with the mention – SUPPORT for REFUGEES from UKRAINE

in Euro
RO 78 BTRL EURCRT 0331 5321 01

with the mention – SUPPORT for REFUGEES from UKRAINE

Let’s show that the gambling industry is supporting the civil society in its efforts to help Ukrainian refugees!

Read also the news from HERE.

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