You will be more than eager to indulge your personal comfort and own pleasures. The second half of the interval will bring you some cash from gambling.
Partnerships might be a nuissance for you, so watch out and do not sign papers with random people. Inspiration will help your earnings in the second half of the interval.
The circumstances you are in become brighter and brighter and your efforts will soon be paying off. It is quite possible to receive some gifts from your family and you will be lucky if wanting to sell or rent an apartment.
Your financial skills will be in the spotlight mainly in the first half of the interval. The chances are on your side but caution and striking a happy medium are the keys to reaching your so-much desired earnings.
You could get involved in a partnership that will prove lucrative for a long term. Patience is a must, otherwise you will not get too far.
The money coming in and going out will be following different paths. But for now, worry not!
You are an impetuous person and, hence, your financial complications you have had so far might get even worse. Gambling and financial transactions could bring you some relief.
Doing business with foreign partners will reach its peak during this interval. Likewise, extra cash will come from activities like exams or intellectual tasks.
You have got the money, but almost all will go into your house expenses or helping your relatives. Entertainment will get deep into your pocket but at least you will know that you had fun.
You could make some money from gambling but, on the other hand, you will spend quite a lot around your friends.
You are doing just fine with the money and even though you think it can get better, do not go overboard. This is the time for more prudence.
You really cannot complain about lack of money but expenses are high, too. Do not trust everyone, you might run the risk of being disheartened.