While travelling, you could win a large amount of money. Should you are involved in any partnership, the astral conjunction will not be a good one. Avoid, as much as possible, the arguments with your business partners.
Chances are yours and the winnings are just round the corner. You will complete an activity that will greatly improve your banking account, especially towards the end of the month.
The venture or gambling will not take you on the winning side, between 11 and 21 of July. Caution should come first those days, even though when you intend to make an investment.
Trading will be good until the 15 of July. After that, be very careful with signing contracts or documents of any kind. Trouble may come your way and not leave you easily.
The interest for the material things is surging. The beginning of the interval will bring you some success, when important friends give you a strong helping hand.
Whatever you do in the financial matters will have to be placed under the caution sign. Some losses are very likely around the middle of the interval or rather unexpected expenses.
You are tighter with your money than usually, which could bring dissatisfaction among close relatives. An investment made some time ago will show its fruit.
Chances have your name on them and all the financial matters equal success for you. Possible earnings may come through your life partner.
Your partnerships will prove good and bring you a financial satisfaction. Certain expenses among friends are possible.
If involved in business with foreign partners, good chance lasts until July 15. After that, the results will be reluctant to come, well testing your patience.
Gambling will boost your morale, but earnings will not be the best. A financial matter, which you thought ended long time ago, will come back under your radar.
The astral conjunction will be rather blurry, so take all the caution measures in case you intend to make an investment. Prudence should take first place, mainly for 12-24 of July.