Dialogue partners

We have high expectations

Through the message of openness to dialogue that the new leadership is sending, we will find the best solutions.

➤ How do you comment on the new changes in the management of the National Gambling Office?
Unfortunately for both parties, and here I am referring to both the private sector and the National Gambling Office, in the last year we have gone through a very difficult period, from the pandemic that turned us all upside down, to the “speed of the snail” with which the problems of the industry were treated.
Compared to the new leadership, in a few words, I would say that they are people familiar with the industry, which makes the time of accommodation in the institution shorter, this is an advantage for both parties.
I, personally, as well as the whole industry have high expectations, because there are many things to be fixed that had to be solved a long time ago and that put the industry and the ONJN at a standstill.

➤ What are the things you need to address?
First of all, the dialogue with the associations, this was not at the level we wanted.
This dialogue is necessary because without constant consultation, in order to present and discuss the factual situation, decisions can be made that do more harm than good.
Another thing we, the industry, want is the active involvement of the Office in situations where legislative initiatives arise. These initiatives, undisputed, can do a lot of harm, even lead to the closure of industry and the loss of jobs; around 45,000 employees work in the industry.
Specifically, what needs to be debated in the utmost seriousness would be:
The draft emergency ordinance that is under debate on the website of the National Office of Gambling and which should clarify the situation of operators going through unfair situations, for example are required to pay in advance amounts for periods that we do not know how they will evolve and whether they will be able to work or not, because no one can say when and where we will be open or closed.
The order to prevent and combat money laundering, which must be adapted to the specifics and realities of the industry.
The technical order must be re-analysed and the necessary changes must be made to clarify the ambiguities that are unfortunately inexplicably in the order, given that this order has been discussed and re-discussed with industry.
Another very sensitive bill, and here may involve the closure of the industry and the loss of the 45,000 jobs I was referring to, is that of distance from educational institutions, an initiative that must be debated with the industry that has strong arguments to demonstrate that such regulation has only negative aspects and has a devastating impact on industry and the state budget.
We are confident that through the message of openness to dialogue that the new leadership is sending, we will find, together, the best solutions for everyone.

Dialogue partners

➤ Regarding the industry’s relationship with the National Gambling Office, what other expectations do you have?
Of course, in addition to those listed, we want certain things to change.
We want to support and find, through direct and honest dialogue, solutions to correct some of the old practices that we consider outdated and sometimes interpretable or that have even led to unhealthy discussions, regarding the decisions that have been taken and to support creating totally transparent working procedures.
We are open to dialogue precisely in order to be able to lead things to maximum efficiency, as is normal.
We have nothing to hide, we are professionals, we are an industry with a tax collection rate of over 99% and we want everything that happens around us to be transparent and fair.
I would also say in other words, not to be interpreted, we want changes, even if they exist in the private area, just to make things as transparent as possible and to eliminate any doubt or unwanted situation.

Dialogue partners
The gambling industry has shown maximum involvement in social life.

Dan Alexandru Ghita

➤ What other projects do you have underway?
In addition to the projects carried out by the “Responsible Gaming” association, at the moment, in the area of social responsibility, we are carrying out a “pro vaccination” campaign supported 100% by the industry funds.
The gambling industry has shown maximum involvement in social life over time and especially during the pandemic, when impressive sums were donated that helped to carry out several medical projects, purchases of equipment and medicines, etc.…, in short, I was where it was needed.
The “pro vaccination” project is a project based on a study conducted in the industry, on a representative sample of 4,000 employees of the industry.
Some of the findings of this study tell us that information about vaccination, the virus and all that the pandemic means, gets distorted or far too little, leading to a situation where a large part of people do not know what to do.
The second very important thing to say is that, following the study, only 45% want to be vaccinated, the remaining 33% are reluctant and 22% are undecided.
I think that this study is somehow relevant at the country level, because the sample is 4,000 people, quite representative, and in the gambling industry people from all levels of training work, which is comparable to other industries.
It is worrying, and it may be that after this wave of people wanting to get vaccinated, we find that a large part of the population does not want to get vaccinated simply because they are not informed enough to form an opinion on this, which would be disastrous for the whole economy and would prolong the pandemic a lot.
That is why this information campaign aims to encourage employees in the industry and the general population, through the power of example and correct and effective information in the idea of returning to life without restrictions before the pandemic.

Dialogue partners

➤ An end message?
I would like to emphasize the following very important aspect, namely that we are here to do our duty and we demand that the Authorities do their duty, and I appeal to all those who have something to say, added, complained, notified, etc.… to do it directly. We are open to any form of dialogue.
In order to be able to analyze and find the best solutions for the possible situations described above, we must have a direct, constant and honest dialogue with all those involved in the field.

Dialogue partners

We have high expectations

Through the message of openness to dialogue that the new leadership is sending, we will find the best solutions.

The gambling industry has shown maximum involvement in social life.

Articolul precedentCasa Pariurilor has become a supporter of eSports Business Summit 21
Articolul următorProgram of the international conference eSports Business Summit 21